Chapter 1

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I wake up in the hospital surprised. Apparently someone brought me here. I forgot to introduce myself, I am Detective Cronald. My assistant Jacob was sitting next to me on a chair.

"What happened." I asked. As I was getting up. I took my tea and sipped it.

"You got hit with a blunt piece of metal and it left a scar on your head. Some one came around and saw you. Then he called the ambulance and now you are here." He replied

"When can I get out of this pig pen." I said calmly

"In three hours." He answered. "By the way, this place helped you so you shouldn't be saying that"

"Whatever" I said annoyed. I hope this will be over. They had a TV so I decided I could pass the time with it. I watched a show called Munkey Face, where there is a contest about who could make the funniest face and the world voted. The winner got 50,000 dollars! It passed most of the time.

After the three hours I went to my office and I tried to solve my own case.

"What had hit me in the head," I thought.

I also thought,"Who had knocked me out?"

"It was clearly somebody that wanted to hurt me, but WHO!?

"The figure did not look human. It looked abnormally huge and had a gigantic head. It might be a creature we never have seen, but what is it!!??"

I tried drawing it out and I still had no clue what it is.

The next day I took a big risk, I went to walk in the alleyway again and........ The creature wasn't there. I was confused. This is the place I got hit.

I went back into my office and turned on the TV. I switched the channels and found something interesting on the news. A person badly hurt said he got hit by a creature. He said that it was huge and it was green.

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