Chapter two

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He moved away for eighth grade, Kaito I mean. After that day we had actually become really good freinds, best friends maybe. He spent a lot of nights at my house with me and Sis. By nights I mean he ate supper with us and slept there even. I remember the first time he came over, he slept on the couch. Well he started on the couch anyway. The next morning I woke up with him curled into my chest, stealing all my blankets like the little dweeb he is, was. Sis was cool with him staying over and everything, even asking "where are the adoption papers" sometimes when he made my room up for me. Of course she was a bit worried about how thin he was, and how little he ate, and the bruises on his body when he would stay over sometimes after missing school. I was worried too, but whenever asked about it he made lame excuses or just didnt talk.

He never did get sent to bible camp or anything. Maybe his parents decided to take it out on him in private. I could kind of tell he was scared of them finding out.

I guess I should mention that it's been 3 years since he moved and I'm now sixteen, beginning of grade 11. We had talked a bit over the internet, but one day in grade 9 it just stopped. He was in grade eight then of course. I guess he broke his computer or something, well maybe he didn't break it but some one did. I think about him a lot. Not all the time, but sometimes i'll miss his fluffy black hair tickling my nose in bed, or his dumb excuses for jokes at school, even his fire eyes when he got scared or angry (I never did ask about it). Sis certainly misses him. She talks about him tons, about how he might be doing, if his family life is going good, if he's ever coming back. I doubt it, but Wentir Bay is pretty fricking boring without any friends. Sometimes Sis will order us Chinese or take me to the bowling alley, but there isn't anything to do. I spend most of my time drawing, thinking, taking pictures or staring at my laptop screen waiting for Kaito to reply. Girly, i know.

Man this weather sucks. Its been snowing forever and I cant even go for a walk. I haven't been wearing anything but slippers, long sweaters, and boxers since winter break started. Christmas is in like, three days. Im not too excited though. Usually it involves more chinese food, Sis and I exchanging gifts, and bad movie marathons. Not christmas movies, we aren't into that kind of shit, just bad movies in general. Sometimes we'll start a movie, remember a time we watched it with Kaito and both have a mental break down. Christmas is not so christmasy for me. The gift part is fun though, thats why I'm walking in this stupid snow down town looking in some shops. Sis and I have a competition that whoever has the best gift gets the last chicken ball (they always give us 11, and splitting it is NOT an option). So im here freezing my butt off to get her a kickass present. I'm thinking a new manga and a sweater that says something like "cool sister" or "total piece of shit" because both are equally true.

Let me tell you one thing I hate, my personality has changed so much. I used to be a generally happy kid except for Gareth and his crew coming around, but now I'm this asshole 16 year old who sits inside all day and I literally hate most of the human race. Like even now, as I walk into the "Emporium" and the bell rings on the door as I walk in, I can think of fifteen different ways to kill everyone who stares at me.

This store is really fricking weird. All the walls are painted neon colours, and the music is blasting. Listen to me when I say this, never go to the back of this store, ever. You will see things unable to unsee. The ACTUAL clothing section is right near the front, which is a score for me. There's like five people walking around in here, 2/5 are scary scene kids and the other three are nerds looking for starwars thongs or some shit like that. Kaito liked things like starwars, I shouldn't insult it, but come on, star trek is so much better.

As soon as the door closes this place gets 90% weirder as glowing pictures appear on the walls, and I'm not even going to explain what they are. Way too innapropriate. It gives me the chills. As I brush my hat off someone walks past me, out of the store. I didn't see who it was but they smelled really good, what the hell.

My boots leave trails of snow as I drag my feet over to the clothing section, where the obnoxious music quiets a bit, thank god. Brony sweater, no, Sweater with boobs on it, funny but no, Sugar daddy shirt, hell no. I go to the next rack and find a sweater that reads "I'll either piss you off or make you blush, either is fine with me" yep, thats Sis' sweater, im totally getting this one. As I'm walking over to the cashier back near the door, my eye catches a sweater that Kaito would love. Its this little blue monster, but he's like glowing onto the black sweater. I buy it, of course. If he ever comes back, I'll give this to Kaito. I'll make sure to wear it first though, he was always stealing my sweaters. I'd do anything to have him stealing my sweaters again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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