Chapter 5: The Engagement Party

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D5) -3 weeks later-
After the incident with Lucas, I've been learning how to dance, act properly, sit properly, and how to eat fancy food this whole month. It was really frustrating because everything I did I was pretty much yelled at by the scary teacher Lucifer hired to teach me all the stuff.
I sighed as the maids were getting me in the dress that was made for me for the engagement party. It was a gorgeous dress but I absolutely hated being dress up like I was a doll. They did my hair and makeup as well and when they were finished I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I can honestly say I never looked this beautiful before.
They ushered me out of the room and I started feeling nervous as I followed them to the hallway that had two big doors that led to the big staircase that was in the ballroom. Lucifer was standing there with his wife, who I was told took time off from her "job" to come to her son's engagement party, along with their children.
I calmed down a little when I saw Reese, but just as I walked up to him, Lucifer said, "Jasmine, you look wonderful. Just remember, don't mess up or make a scene in front of everyone during this party."

Well that just made me more nervous.

Then Lucifer and his wife were called from outside the doors and they both went through the door. I took a few deep breaths as the others were called down in pairs. "Don't worry so much. Just smile and don't think about it." Reese told me as he put his hands on my shoulders. I nodded and felt all my nerves go away after he said that. He offered me his arm and I took as we were up next. "You look really beautiful by the way." I heard Reese whisper in my ear, which caused my face to turn crimson. Then we were called out.
I took one last deep breath then we both walked through the doors and I held my dress up a little, so I wouldn't trip, as we walked down the steps. I started freaking out a little on the inside when I saw there was about 400 pair of eyes staring and watching me. I felt a little bit better once my foot successfully hit the floor without me tripping.
I stood with Reese next to his family as Lucifer said to everyone, "Thank you everyone who came to celebrate my eldest son's engagement with us. As you all can tell, his fiancée is slowly turning into one of us, the first time this has ever happened in our long history. This will be the first of many if her transformation is successful. So let us now begin this celebration."

His speech was greeted with talking among the guests and the orchestra started playing classical music as Reese and I started going around greeting everyone.
Reese did most of the talking while I just stood by his side and smiled, shook people's hand, and nodded when I had to. I was pretty much told not to speak.
As we were going around greeting people, I noticed a few girls were glaring at me, which I thought was strange.
When Reese and I weren't talking to anyone I said, "Why are those girls glaring at me?" Reese looked over to where I was looking at. "They thought one of them would've been put in an arranged marriage with me or one of my siblings. Since my dad announced that a human is being turned into a demon and that you're engaged to me now, they pretty much know they won't have a chance to marry into my family now. So they're pretty jealous and mad at you." He told me. I laughed at that, which caused a few people around us to look at me in a funny way.
"Do demons not know what laughing is?" I whispered to him. "Only the evil kind of laughter." He whispered back to me, which caused us both to laugh.

After about an hour of greeting the guests, we sat down to eat dinner. I tried to remember what fork and knife and spoon to use for each course, thankfully Reese helped me out a little though. After dinner, it was time to start dancing. Reese and I had to start the first dance. At first I was nervous and afraid I'd mess up, but Reese told me to just focus on him and for the rest of the dance I forgot about everything else as I stared into his eyes.
I broke the gaze once I heard a lot of clapping around us. I blushed a little as I saw everyone was around us and were watching us dance the whole time. We both bowed and then that's when a bunch of strangers asked me to dance. I had to dance with them, but as I danced with them I searched the crowd for Reese. When I saw him, I noticed he was looking at me. Our eyes made contact and I saw him smile at me as he danced with this girl. This caused me to blush and smile back at him.

After a few more dances with these other guys, I excused myself and went into the hallway. I leaned against the cool wall in the empty hallway and fanned myself. I still haven't gotten used to how hot the castle is.
Just before I decided to go back to the party, I felt someone grab my left hand. I looked up expecting Lucas, but I was kinda surprised to see Glenn standing there.
He looked at the ring Reese gave me when we were on the plane and I tried to pull my hand away as I said, "What are you doing Glenn?" He held my hand tightly in his grasp though and said, "Reese gets this ring and a wife, which are things I wanted before him. He doesn't deserve you, and you definitely don't deserve this ring." He tried to pull the ring off my finger but it wouldn't budge. I took my right hand and slapped him across the face- since I have a demon's strength now, it left a red mark across his cheek.

"First of all, you and your brother need to stop this nonsense with me- I'm not a doll or your toy. Secondly, this is MY ring that I got from Reese which means I'm marrying him and this ring proves it all. I never asked to be dragged into this arranged marriage, but I'd rather marry Reese than any of you guys. So next time you talk to me or your brother talks to me, treat me with a little more respect and stop acting like children." I said to him angrily, and pulled my hand out of his grasp.
I lifted my dress up a little as I walked away from him. Reese's brothers are really starting to get on my nerves. I walked out of the back doors and into the garden.

There were a few guests in the backyard, but I walked into a secluded part of the garden and sat down. I looked up at the dark sky and sighed.
I thought of all the events that led me up to right now and it's still hard to believe that this is actually happening. I was a normal girl who was mostly ignored in school, now I'm getting married to a demon. Definitely not what I expected how my senior year would turn out.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something draped over my shoulders. I looked up and I saw Reese put his jacket over me and then he sat down besides me. "I didn't think my fiancée would bail on me at our own engagement party." Reese said to me with a chuckle. I smiled and said, "Sorry, I just got overheated and had to get some air. Dancing with a bunch of strange men isn't that fun anyways." "What about dancing with me?" He asked me. I looked at him after he said that and I blushed when I noticed he was staring at me. I averted my gaze as I quietly said, "Dancing with you was really nice." He grabbed my chin and pulled my face so I was looking at him. "Dancing with you was my favorite part about the whole night." Reese murmured to me.
I felt my heart beat quicken as his face drew closer to mine. Just as his lips were about to touch mine, he ended up kissing my cheek. He pulled away and had a smirk on his face. I got flustered and said, "Stop teasing me, Reese." He chuckled and said, "Sorry, Jasmine. We should go back inside though before my dad has a fit." He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it with a smile and we both walked back inside.

~Author's Note~
I know I haven't been posting a lot guys and I'm sorry about that. College has been super busy and along with working it takes a lot of time and energy out of me. I'll try to keep writing when I can though!

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