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Charley's pov

I went to my storage unit after getting off the plane and got my car out. Its a 65 GT Mustang. Its a light blue. My dad and I built her when I was 10. I got my bags in my trunk and got in my car and drove to TM. I pulled in reviving my engine just a tad bit. I parked my car and killed my engine. I got out and leaned on my car. In a matter of 5 seconds all the guys were outside.

"Isn't that J.T's mustang?" Bobby asked and I lit a cigarette.

"Yea but its in storage til Charley gets back." Jax said and I turned and smirked.

"Well I'm back boys." I said in my Irish accent I picked up.

"Sis!" Jax yelled and he tackled me and I giggled.

"Hey giant." I said and he chuckled and kissed my head. He pulled back and took my cigarette and puffed on it while I got hugged by most of the guys. I didn't know some of them.

"Where's my beautiful mother at?" I asked and they all pointed to the office. I groaned and pouted.

"Its so far away." I groaned and Opie and Jax laughed. I jumped on Jax's back.

"Onward my good sir." I said and he laughed and took me to see Ma. I jumped down and threw the door open.

"Mommy I'm home!" I yelled and she looked up and saw me. She got up and tackled me. I giggled and hugged my mom. We pulled away and I saw my step dad.

"Hi clay." I said and he smiled and said hi baby girl.

"Now I need to go to Lodi to apply at the tattoo shot." I said and they said not with out a member.

"Fine Jax, Opie will you pull my bike out? If I have to bring a member I'm not riding bitch." I said and they laughed.

"You need to carry." Mom said and I pulled my glock out.

"Always do Ma." I said and put it back in my waist band and we walked out. My bike looked like my dads but black. Opie and Jax pulled it out with the tarp on it.

"So your Jax's baby sister?" Someone asked and I looked over and saw some skinny kid.

"Yup why?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I've heard stories." He said and I laughed.

"I'm sure you have." I said and I went to my bike and took the tarp off and smiled.

"Mama is home baby." I said and mounted my bike and ran my hands over the handles.

"Didn't ride in Belfast?" Bobby asked and I looked up at them.

"The guy I was seeing would only let me ride bitch. And it was a crotch rocket. He said and I quote him on this. I don't want a Biker whore as a girlfriend." I said and the guys I knew were mad.

"So I showed him what a Biker women could do. I also told him he wasn't my ol' man and kicked him to the curb. I stuck with Sambel and they would let me fix bikes and let me ride with them unless they went on their runs." I said and Jax smirked while the guys I didn't know where shocked.

"Where have you been my whole life?" A rough voice asked and I looked and they were all looking at the bald guy.

"Lost in your dreams big boy. Now Opie and Jax let's go." I said and my brother and Opie laughed. I turned my bike on and it roared to life making me smirk.

"Hurry up so we can party Char." Tiggy said and I turned the throttle and sped off with had and Opie.


Charley Teller (SOA) Where stories live. Discover now