1 - Vanished

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He had fantastic news to the boys and to his love, he had gotten a promotion and a raise in his pay. He was on cloud nine, because now, he had just the right amount of money to buy an engagement ring. That was news for the boys and only the boys, because he had the other surplus of money to spend on the couples short weekend trip away to a luxurious vacation far from the area they were at now. This small town, this questionable place for a safe foundation, this unstable mess of people and buildings.They had to make a getaway for just two days there sanity would remain for however long they could keep it. 

He bursted through the doors of the home the two shared and the boys, her parents and his parents sat on the worn couch. 

 "I got promoted! Where's Adelaide? I have fantastic news, I have enough to go on our vacation and..." the excited man pulled out a black box and whispered, "the ring!" he was so jumpy and happy.

It was amusing how fast this would change.

He finally took notice to the sad faces of his loved ones, glum and gray with confusion.

 "Why have you gotten such glum faces? Has someone died or something?" He joked and smiled as he sat down and popped a hershy's kiss into his mouth. 

"And not to be rude, but why are you all here?" he referred to Adelaide's parents. They looked at him, the mother with bloodshot eyes and the father with a frown creating dimples appear on his cheeks; something she had inherited from him. 

"Has something happened to Adelaide? Is she okay?" He developed a stern face of seriousness.

"Niall... I'm sorry. We should've told you man..." Louis bursted the silence that followed his words. 

"Told me what?" his eyebrows furrowed at his mates forwardness. 

"You just came out and said you were saving for an engagement ring and we couldn't tell you. Adelaide begged us to or she would've done it herself, but we couldn't risk you turning back to the alcohol.

"Tell me!" Niall secretively raged within his mind and was unhealthily curious.

"Adelaide is dead!" Liam yelled back and walked out of the room. Niall sat back down in shock, so many questions ran his mind her face flashed in his mind... Red hair, dimples, porcelain skin, dimples placed on her cheeks whe her mouth opened to show off pearly white teeth outlined with plump lips he loved to place his own on.

"What? I-I don't understand, she isn't dead she can't be. We were supposed to be married, and spend our lives together!" His eyes were suddenly pouring, "You're lying! She's here somewhere, isn't she?" He started calling her name: 'Adelaide, Adelaide? C'mon, you got me, now stop joking...'

He faced it. She wouldn't of pulled a prank as cruel as this.

"Mate, she's gone. I'm sorry." Harry went and tried to calm him down.

"How?!" He yelled as her parents left, her mother was overwhelmed enough. 

"She had bone cancer, there was no saving her. it was stage four and it had already spread to her lungs." 

"How could you keep this from me?!" Niall was basking in pure anger, wondering why his best friends where keeping such a cruel secret from him. 

"She didn't want to tell you!" 

All was silent. Why would she keep the fact she was dying away from the one she loved most? Did she not trust him, was she planning on ending it?

"She knew you were going to propose, and she didn't want you drinking. Adelaide needed you sober for her." Louis blurted out.

"Oh my God." Niall was officiall pushed back past the breaking point. He felt like dying, he yearned for her touch. She needed him sober unlike before they'd met when he was a seriously involved drinker. She's the one who helped him past those issues anyways. He put his head in his hands and sobbed. He felt like the tears were relentless, he felt like never falling in love again. He had this life planned out with her, and he felt clever just thinking about the gameplan he came up with.

"How long had she been... sick?" he asked with a sudden calm tone.

"She had it before you met. The doctor's thought it was gone, but it came back and they caught it when she recognised the same pain." Louis explained. He seemed to know everything about her sickness. Had they been sneeking around behind his back? Is that why she didn't tell him and told Louis first? 

 "You sick bastard!" He gripped the collar of his jean jackets and slammed him against the wall, and of course he fought back punching his stomach. 

"What was that for?!" Louis choked, rubbing his neck.

"You were screwing around with her weren't you? That's why she told you and not me." He spat, ready to fire at him again.

"You need space and time to think. Did you really think your best mate would turn on you like that?" Zayn spoke up as Liam followed him to the door. 

 "Let's give the lad some space." Zayn repeated as he gave Niall a a sympathetic look, opening the door to the spring air. Louis looked back at him with the same glance as Zayn, and mentally agreed walking to the door. They could hear the sobs of Niall as they got into their separate cars, Liam shutting the door drowning the sound out with the thick barrier. They all felt for Niall; because he was so sure they'd be together until they were gray and covered with faults in their skin. 

As they drove off, Niall pulled his shirt over his head and slowly laid down, covering himself with a blanket. 

"Stay sober, stay sober, stay sober..." and he continued like that for another moment, and resumed his previous loud sobs. 

How could God let this happen? Just letting her vanish out of thin air without an early warning? Just boom, and that was it, she was gone forever. He would lose control over himself sooner or later, because she was the only person who cared about him being able to stay sane and stable. She was the foundation for Nill to stand safely on and now itsgone therefore he will fall into oblivion of everythng else and fall.

He would fall just as hard as he fell in love with her; and he couldn't recover from that. So what is he going to do now?


Adelaide to the right >>>

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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