Manky Old Boot

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"Faith, Faith! Wake up! Oh for the love of Merlin, wake up! We need to go or we'll miss the portkey! Faith!" I heard a familiar voice say, obviously frustrated with my stubbornness.

I mumbled, turning over.

"Just know that you left me no choice, and that its your own fault for what I'm about to do." I was about to sit up, before they could do what I assumed would be a terrible thing. But I was to late.

"Augumenti" I was showered with cold, freezing water. I sat upright, glaring at the person in front of me. Charlie.

"Ummm. Good morning Faith, sleep well?" He asked, feigning a look of innocence.

I growled before jumping out of bed and chasing him out the door.

We thundered down the steps. I jumped fro. The stair and onto his back, my dripping clothes getting him wet.

"Get off! Get off! I'm sorry! I surrender!" He cried, I didn't let go. I was perfectly happy where I was.

Ron and Harry came down the stairs, but they both stopped at the sight of Charlie and I. Harry was the first one to speak.

"Is this a normality at your house, Ron?"


As we trudged up the steep hill the sun slowly began to rise.

By the time we reached the top the sun was well up and shining.

But I wasn't as focused on the sun as I was on finding Ced.

As I looked around I felt a sudden tap on my shoulders making me let out a small scream.

Cedric laughed at my face, which I'm sure was as red as a beetroot from embarrassment.

I slapped his arm playfully, fake scolding him.

"Could've given me a heart attack, you could've!! What if I had died?!?! Would you still be laughing??"

There was silence before he replied.
We both bursted out laughing, tears in our eyes.

"Come on, you lot!! Get to the boot!! It'll be leaving soon." Yelled Amos.

We hustled over to a old looking boot, all touching it. Except harry.

"Why are we standing around a manky old boot?" He asked.

"This isn't any old boot mate, it's a portkey." I said. "You better grab on if you want to come."

"Quick harry!!"

We went spinning, I was getting dizy. Everything was a blur. Shapes, colours, it was all mashed into one.

Dad yelled at is to let go. My hand left the boot, I went plummeting to the ground.

I landed hard on my back, all the breath being taken away from me.

I layed still, my whole body aching. Finally I slowly stood up. As I looked around, my eyes traveled over many colourful tents. Finally were here.

The Quidditch World Cup.

I am so, so sorry that I haven't updated! Life has been crazy, the start of high school bringing so much drama!! What do you all think of this chapter? I'd love to hear from you!!
Until next time,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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