Chapter two: The War Within

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In the excitement of the moment, and the urgency of the situation, the medical staff at North Point Hospital had failed to get Harrison's name, and now he had vanished. Identifying Rebecca would prove to be a challenge as well. She has no ID, only a bloody nightgown, which she was brought in wearing. As for family, she only has a sister, whom she rarely spoke to, and she had yet to make any friends, in this new town. The chances are good, no one will ever even notice her departure.

The stench of Rebecca's blood lingers within the confines of the cars interior. Harrison attempts to block out the smell, and the horrid memories which it provokes. Overwhelmed with mixed emotions; the sorrow of his loss, and the joy of his gain, Harrison pulls the car from the hospital lot, and proceeds back the way he had come. He thinks in bewilderment, at how much has transpired in such a short time. Only a few terrifying breaths ago, he was a husband and an expectant father, and now, he is only a father, and a widower.

The drive home is eerily quiet. The baby is sleeping soundly, bundled in the blanket on the front seat. Harrison's mind still presses on ceaselessly, his demons have a strong grasp on his thoughts. He looks to his daughter, as she lay dreaming.  His heartstrings have been snapped like twigs, and he can't even bring himself to smile at her. As he stares down at this, 'thing', this, 'tiny little, thing', resentment begins to boil the blood in his veins. Deep down Harrison knows it isn't true, but his demons keep telling him,

'She is responsible for Rebecca's death'.

The longer he stares at her, the more disgusted the look on his face becomes.

'Ditch the bitch'

the voices urge on,

'toss her out the window'.

Harrison winces at the thoughts, but he doesn't know how much longer he can ignore them.   He knows, the only way to stop the voices, is to stand up to them, and not back down. He must control them, just as they yearn to control him. 

Harrison doesn't stand a chance, he is physically and emotionally drained, but more so, he is mentally spent as well. Once he lets the demons out, they will take control of him quickly.

 Harrison sits, facing the blaze within the brick lined fireplace as it rages, consuming dried slivers of wood.   As it flickers and hisses, shadows dance across the walls of the living room, to the  crackling music the fire composes. 

The baby is crying from within her room. Harrison ignores her. He just sits, and stares. His finger traces the smooth lines of his wifes face, as she smiles from behind the dusty glass of a picture frame.  The picture had been taken nearly ten years ago, she hasn't aged a day.  His tears wipe away the dust, as they fall from his eyes.

 Harrison can no longer resist the voice's, 

'God did this, He took her from you'

The tears on his cheeks quickly evaporate, as the fire 's heat lands upon his face.  

'You can never forgive Him for this'.

The sadness in his eye's fades away, morphing into anger. 

'Forget about her', 

Harrison stares down to his wife one last time, then he tosses the the frame into the fire. Everywhere he looks, he sees a memento, a reminder of Rebecca. He proceeds to toss everything into the fire. Dozens of old love letters, souvenirs from trips they took, photo albums, shoe boxes full of old pictures, and finally his wedding ring. He watches through eye's of evil, as it all burns away.

'Now go deal with the little one'.

Her room is quiet, and darkness frowns upon the walls.  The nameless baby girl has cried herself to sleep. Harrison stares down at her innocence.   He ponders on how to rid himself of this burden.  

'Throw her in the fire'

Each time he looks at her, he is reminded of his dead wife.  

'Shove her down the garbage disposal'

There are so many ways he can do it.  

'Bury her alive...Drop her in the river...Cut her up and flush her down the toilet'

The sadistic list goes on.  Harrison picks her up, holds her out, away from himself, a sneer on his face. 

'Crush her skull'

She opens her eyes, and Harrison glares at her.

'Snap her neck'.

He thinks how easy it will be. 

Looking at her, Harrison, grimly says, "Now, what are we gonna do with you?"

Harrison leaves the room with her in his grip.

Returning to the nursery, without the baby, Harrison carries an ax. He pauses a moment, looking around the room; the crib, a dresser, a mural of a rocking horse on the wall,

'she doesn't deserve any of this'.

Harrison raises the ax, and swings.   The crib explodes, and splinters of wood litter the room. He turns his attention to the dresser.   Harrison loves the feeling of power he has, as he wields the weapon. 

The recently burnt wood smell is still in the air. Only embers are left smoldering in the fireplace.  Harrison awakes, and sits up on the couch.  It is still dark outside, he doesn't know how long he was asleep.  He sits, frozen, in the dark room, listening. It's quiet, he hears nothing, but the occasional 'pop' or 'snap' from the fireplace.

 Upon entering the baby's room, Harrison sees a mass of destruction he can not remember  causing.  The dresser, and crib are gone, only small remnants of wood are left all over the floor.  The walls are torn open, insulation hangs from the holes.  The ax is stuck in the door.     Ominously, a charcoal grill sits in the center of the room, the lid resting in place. 

The sight of the grill brings an oddly comforting feeling to Harrison.  His heart flutters as he slowly approaches the grill, and places his shaking hand on the lid.   

He has a brief, but shocking memory;  Placing the baby in the grill and squirting lighter fluid all over her.

 He shivers, as he lifts the lid.  The anxiety tightens in his chest, and his heart rapidly gallops. 

"What have I done?" He whispers.

He raises the lid, and shutters in disbelief. The sight is not what he had expected. The baby is alive. She is soaked in lighter fluid. The scent is strong, forcing Harrison to cover his nose.

'Light her up'.

Harrison takes his stand against his own sick thoughts, "No!"

He quickly scoops her up, and looks into her eyes, into her soul, "I have other plans for you."


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