Watermelon Cheeks (Larry Stylinson Oneshot)

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Just a cute little Larry oneshot!:)




Silence stretches it's unholy tendrils around the room. It's too small, I think, this room. I like that he called me Tommo, though. Is that a good sign?

"So..." Harry trails off, not looking at me. I'm a damn idiot.

"I'm sorry!" I blurt all of a sudden, and then clap a hand over my mouth because shit, Tomlinson, that wasn't supposed to come out.

"For what?" Harry finally meets my eyes, curiosity and uncertainty drawing lines between his eyebrows. All the blood in my body takes up residence in my cheeks.

"For...you know. Kissing you."

"What!?" Harry barks a laugh, looking taken aback. "That's--what do you mean? You didn't kiss me!"

Now it's my turn to be confused because what the actual fuck? Is the boy that I've been in love with for the past two years mental?

"Um, yeah I did. I vividly remember my lips connecting with your lips about an hour ago in the living room and then--,"

"But you didn't kiss me. I kissed you." He argues, looking so serious that I almost disagree again before I realize--


Hold up.

Stop this train.

"Wait. Hold up. Stop this train." I say, kneading my temples and trying to wrap my head around this impossible occurrence. Harry is still looking moderately frustrated, like he really wants to be right.

"If you say you kissed me, but I say I kissed you, that means... we kissed each other." I say slowly, looking up at Harry who is standing above me. He crinkles his forehead for a moment before an expression of understanding skips across his face, followed by her friends Relief and Unadulterated Joy. (Imagine if your name was Unadulterated Joy. That would be terrible. I wonder if people name their kids stuff like that just to fuck with them. Some people are weird. I'm never having kids. Choosing names would be so hard. Also, I'm gay, so that presents a problem in itself.)

"So you...you fancy me then, I suppose." Harry says, a smirk slowly creeping across his cheeks and pressing down his dimples.

"A bit, I suppose." I tell him airily, but I'm smiling like crazy so it doesn't have the intended dry effect.

"How long?" He asks, pulling his lip between his teeth and I'm not gonna lie, something twitches beneath my trousers because God, I've wanted him for so long. I flush and drop my eyes, a little embarrassed. He keeps pressing, though. "Cm'on, Lou! How long?"

"...Two years..." I mumble, still not looking at him.

"Get out! I've liked you longer." I can hear the shy smile in his voice, and my heart leaps in my throat.

"Really?" I grin, feeling him sit down on the bed next to me.

"Yeah. Since the day I met you I've fancied you."

"Damn. I can't say that. I had to get to know you a bit first, mate." I tell him, because it's true.

"Well, for me it was l--." He drops off the last phrase and I can't hear him, and when I look at him he's the color of watermelon. That is, the inside parts. Not he outside. Though he does look a bit green, to tell you the truth.

"What was that?" I ask, and then reach out and put my hand on top of his because damn, I can do it if I want to and it feels so good.

"I--ah, nothing."

"Tell me, Haz."

"I was just gonna say it was a bit of a love at first sight thing kind of." He tells me quickly, looking at me crookedly to see how I'll take the news. To put it blatantly, my chest is now on fire.

"Love?" I probably have a grin bigger than...bigger than...bigger than the biggest grin in the world right now.

"Fuck. Yes." He mumbles.

"Well, I'm in love with you, too, so we're even." I announce, and he squeezes my hand in more of a shocked convulsion than anything else, I think. "Though I'm not quite as romanic as you. It didn't happen the first time I ever laid eyes in you. Though I did think you were pretty damn hot."

"When did it happen, then? When did you know?" Harry asks, and his green eyes meeting mine is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

"I don't," I start, pausing to consider. "I don't think there was a definite moment where I knew. It was a just a million little things that you'd do and I'd fall in love with you for moments and then for minutes and then for hours and then for permanent and then I realized that every time I listened to music or watched a movie or took a walk I wasn't doing it alone anymore, because you were always with me in the sense that I had never wanted to be next to somebody more in my entire life."

Harry stares at me for several hours.

"Sorry." I say.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. He doesn't wait for my answer.

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