9. All Is Fair In Love And War

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I actually wanted to post this on Valentine's day. Last year. Whoops.

This is the PJO Au no one asked for. It's also a mess, generation-wise. It has all gens mixed, bc why the hell not? No, really, I needed more half-siblings (I'm looking at you, Jazmín!)

Have fun reading!!!

Jazmín woke up with the biggest grin possible. But how could she not? Today was the best day of the year! And that included her birthday! While she changed into her knee-length dress with rose print, she checked her calendar. A big heart was drawn on the 14th day of February.

Valentine's day.

Or the most important day of the year, according to her cabin. Oh, the Aphrodite kids just loved Valentine's day. All the romance movies were on TV, everything was decorated in their mother's colours and so many proposals were made and, of course, weddings officiated.

Silence hovered over the cabin, its other inhabitants still asleep. Jazmín had gotten up first since she still had to add a few things for Alexia's birthday celebration. She was a bit envious of her youngest half-sister. Being born on Valentine's day, just how awesome was that?

As soon as Jazmín had placed the chocolate cake on the mahogany table, the ground floor of the cabin slowly filled with her half-siblings. "Morning," Alaia chirped, being in a good mood as always. Her twin sister, however, looked a bit drowsy. "I binge-watched Riverdale," Amaya revealed without being asked, yawning, "But all the couples were so obvious... I don't know why I did that."

Jazmín nodded, totally understanding her. Aphrodite children really did have a sixth sense when it came to relationships. They could always tell who was together with whom and predict with terrifying accuracy who would eventually get together. It made everything on TV sort of boring, Jazmín always knew which characters would end up together. Sadly, this power didn't work on herself or her half-siblings. The only chance they had was to see if their couple instinct would kick in, showing them if their crush would end up with someone else. It really sucked, Jazmín knew that from experience. She still wasn't completely over the eldest son of Hephaestus. Oh, she had been so miserable, but she just had known that it would only end in tears, because Simón would eventually get together with Ámbar in the future.

Said daughter of Nemesis, of course, always dismissed this feeling as a "freak love hallucination", insisting that it would never happen. Yeah, Jazmín had heard that a few times before. And where were they now? Busy being married to the person she had predicted. See? Her couple instinct was never wrong.

"It's because you're single," her younger half-brother, Manuel, joked. "Maybe I should start playing cupid for all of you once the competition is over." Amaya shot him an annoyed look.

"Oh, please do," Alaia begged, obviously tired of being single. "I'll help," her other, much younger, half-brother Diego yelled, quickly making his way over to the table. Eloísa and Mia walked right behind him. "Where's the birthday girl?" Mia, the only brunette among the girls asked. Godly DNA was really strong. Only she and Manuel didn't have the fiery red hair. And all half-siblings shared the same brown eyes, no doubt inherited from Aphrodite.

But Jazmín did find it funny that the only two brunettes both had a name that started with M. Had her mother planned that? Since the two were a few years apart, the oldest child of Aphrodite decided that it was just a coincidence. "I'm here," Alexia yelled excited, more or less sprinting through the opened door.

Jazmín's eyes met her half-siblings before they all started to sing Happy Birthday to the youngest member of the cabin, Manuel and Diego dramatically singing off key for entertainment. "Guys, this is serious," Jazmín nagged the sons of Aphrodite, looking a bit appalled at Manuel, as he was older and should take this much more seriously. It was her last year at Camp Half-Blood and he would definitely be the next counsellor, as that position always went to the oldest member of the cabin.

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