Chapter 1

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           The one day of the week I had to walk home. It was soaking wet outside. It was raining and an unexpected rain so I wasn't prepared at all. The water sloshed around in my shoes soaking through my socks. I trudged down the sidewalk to walk home, and I wasn't even halfway there. It was darker outside but you could still see everything , while the sun was covered up by the dark, grey clouds. I didn't bring an umbrella because I didn't think I would have needed it. It wasn't even raining too hard it was just wet everywhere.

        I stopped for a moment because I thought I heard something behind me, I didn't turn around because I thought I was just imagining it. I didn't hear anything else so I started to walk again. It became hard to walk straight because now the sidewalk was half flooded with water. My foot slipped out from  beneath me so I tried to hold my ground with the other one, while I got my foot to the ground again. But instead of doing what I had intended to, the foot that was holding my ground gave - in as well.

        I started to fall and I wasn't even falling fast it was like one of those movies when someone falls and it goes in slow motion to be dramatic. I braced myself for the impact of my head to the ground an closed my eyes. I didn't feel pain from hitting the ground, surprised i opened my eyes. There right in front of me was a handsome boy around my age, and he was holding so I didn't fall.

     I was so flustered I couldn't even think straight, and forgot the fact that he was holding me. As soon as I realized what happened I immediately jumped out of his arms. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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