Chapter Two: Obliteration

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Fatima: Hey y’all!

Minahil: I know you hate us plenty for taking around three months was it to update?

Fatima: Yup three months…

-looks at Minahil meaningfully-

Minahil: Shutup! I’m a very busy person, you know. Unlike some -cough cough- people.

Fatima: I’ll deal with you later, Minahil. -glares-

Anywho, everyone hope you like it! And to the side is a picture of Adrian. Enjoy!!


Chapter Two: Obliteraton

Without considering what Ember had based her observations on, Adrian turns to her, puzzled.

“A field? On the way to Alistaire?” Adrian says while managing to speak through spurts of hysterical laughter, “Ember I know it’s been a long time since you left the cottage but it could not have possibly been that long. How can you of all people not remember the directions to Alistaire? And to think you believed I was better off with you by my side!”

Arms crossed, expression bored, Ember looks at him well aware that his rant was far from over.

 And just as she had expected, he begins again, “I mean, I know you’re an exceptional fighter, by far the best I’ve ever seen, but sometimes that isn't enough. You have to be observant, Em.  A sense of your whereabouts is the key to survival,” he says with his chin up, shoulders out and eyes glued to the sky as if this theory of his made him the smartest man alive.

Yeah, right.

“You need to know how to get around, Ember. What if we lost our map? What then? I know how to get to Alistaire, but do you? It’s sad really.” He looks down, shaking his head in the process, “All that hard work and training is gone to waste if you don’t even know the way to Alistaire. You’re worthless to me really.”

“Are you done?” she questions. Putting her hands on his shoulders she tries to maneuver him towards what is in front of them but he pushes her hand away almost suddenly.

“What are you doing? You just don’t listen, do you? Unbelievable! You need to learn how to get from one place to another, Em! What if you got lost-“

“Adrain, turn around,” she says, cutting him off.

“What the hell, Ember! I’m trying to teach you a valuable life lesson here! Stop cutting m-”

“Adrian, will you just turn the hell around and look at what’s behind will I have to rip your head off and do it for you?” she hisses angrily, letting her cool composure break and instead allowing all of her bottled agitation to seep through.

Slightly taken aback by her sudden outburst, Adrian takes a moment before replying. 'What was her problem anyway? All he was doing was trying to help her! ' He thinks to himself, annoyed.

“And look at what exactly, Ember? There’s nothing there!” he hisses back with equal contempt, gesturing to the deserted vast land behind him with his hand.

“THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO SHOW YOU!” She yells, causing a very surprised Adrian to take a few steps back.  After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, Ember gestures again to what is behind him before Adrian finally turns around.

That’s exactly when Adrian realizes the reason for Ember’s sudden outburst. They weren’t lost, they were exactly where they were supposed to be. Alistaire was right there in front of him. He now recalled that beyond the small hill they were about to reach the top of, laid Alistaire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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