Chapter 18 - Want To Die?

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Cailey Locason

He won..

Yes Zac won and I just can't contain my joy. I smiled looking at him from the place where I'm at. People are hugging him again and people cheered hi

"He's done it again" Sean said

"Are you giving him a chance?" Chris asked

"Yes and will you shut up?" I hissed and glared at Chris , he smirked

"Let's go down" Everyone is rushing out , my dad put his arm around my shoulder and we walked down together. Oh Zac.. I think I can't give you a kiss right away. The overprotective Sky Locason is on the move right now

"Dad what are you doing?" I asked cause he's holding me really tight

"What do you mean? I'm walking with my daughter"

"You're like a playboy right now.. holding me and mom side by side" I said , my mom chuckled

"Your dad loves you too much Cailey"

"But this is too much mom" I pointed at his hand

"Why is Zac looking at you like that?" I turned my head to Zac and he looked at me with his puppy eyes. Oh gosh.. I want to laugh so hard right now.. I mouthed 'Can't be there right now'

"Sky let her go" My mom said

"No.. I have a bad feeling about this"

"Bad feeling about what?" My mom asked looking my dad weirdly

"Last time I checked my daughter hates this place and complained about it a thousand times but now here she is following me again" My dad said and I rolled my eyes

"Yo bastard" I poked my brother with my feet , he turned to me and hissed

"Cailey" My mom warned

"Come here" I gestured him and he walked to me. I quickly took my dad's hand and pulled Aiden to switch his position with me


"What the?" Aiden looked confuse

"Cailey come here" I walked away from my dad and linked my arm to Sean

"What are you doing?"

"I win" I turned my head when suddenly Zac stood beside me


"Don't pretend to forgot about earlier Cailey , I don't mind doing it in front of your family" My eyes widen and I hold Sean tighter

"Get off her Sean"

"Nah.. I like this" Zac gave Sean a really cold stare. Zac put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. Oh boy

"Promise is a promise Cailey"

"I don't wanna do it here okay? There's my dad.. let go" I pushed his arm

"You're torturing me" He said letting me go , people started talking to him for awhile and I sat on the nearest bench

"Hello" It's Billy , Kate's brother

"Hey" I said

"Came here to see Zac?" He asked and I chuckled

"To see the race.. not only Zac"

"I see.. So what's your occupation?" He asked and I turned him

"A writer , pretty boring"

"That's not boring.. it's more safe than a being a racer"

"You did good there"

"I'm new so I still need to learn a lot of things"

"Ask Zac" I said and Billy laughed

"Zac won't teach me Cailey"

"Oh trust me he will.. I guarantee you 200%" He looked at me confuse

"Cailey" Zac called

"I have to go.. bye Billy. Next time ask Zac" I reminded him and he gave me a thumbs up. I walked to Zac and they're going to take a photo so I awkwardly stand on the side with the others

"Come here you" Zac gestured me to go to him and people are watching

"Come here" He gestured and suddenly someone pushed me from the back.. argh Aiden! I walked to him and suddenly he wrapped his arm around my waist

"Take a photo beautiful" He said and I looked at the camera smiling like usual when suddenly Zac kissed my cheek

"Done" The photographer said

"What were you thinking?" I smacked his arm , I heard a cough from the side and I saw my dad glaring at Zac already with my mom laughing at the side

"You're going to be dead"

"It's okay" He smirked

After that I kept running away from my dad cause I don't need a long long preach about it. I kept gather with the kids so yeah..

"Let's go home" Everyone is starting to go home and suddenly my mom walked to me

"You're going to go home or hangout with Zac?" My eyes widen as she asked that

"Home of course" I closed my eyes when I heard my dad said that

"Hangout with Zac" I answered my mom

"You're dating him?" My dad asked and I turned to him smiling

"No dad.. we're friends"

"Friends.. don't kiss" He said and I rolled my eyes

"I'll hangout with him just to celebrate.. I'll come home soon" I said and my mom nodded

"Come home before 6 that's your curfew.. no no 4 o'clock if your curfew" My mom hold my dad and pulling him away

"What kind of curfew is that?"

"Be home by 4 Cailey!"

"Shut it Sky" My mom said and I waved at them

"Hangout with Zac huh?" I kicked Aiden's butt for saying that

"Shut up you moron"

"Wear protection sis.. I'm not ready to be an uncle yet" He ruffled my hair and I punched his arm causing him to groaned in pain

"Be ready Aiden" I heard Zac said and I elbowed him

"You wish" I walked away but Zac caught my wrist pulling me to him and immediately crash his lips to mine. He pulled me close and kissing me deeply.

"Let's hangout.. just like you said beautiful" He smirked at me and gave me a last peck on my lips. He hold my hand and pulled me out to the parking lot.

He played with his phone all the time until we got into his car. I checked my phone and saw a new tag on my instagram. I opened it and my eyes widen

"Zac Malvon.. you want to die?"

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