The Past

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Roadhog POV
I was running as fast as my feet could carry. I was giving Jamison gas every 8 seconds to keep him alive. 'But that doesn't help with his blood loss' I thought. This man ain't dying right here right now. I became his freind after he sold his treasure which I still don't know what it was, but he gave me 3/4 of what he got for it saying it's the least he could do. He had offered me to stay with him, or I could go back the scrap covered Australia. I didn't care if I went back, but I had warmed up to him after a while. So, I chose to stay with him because I know he would die without me. I was snapped out of my deep though by hitting a pole. I look up to see that it's part of the temple. I instantly yell for Mercy which she pops up our of thin air. "Whats the problem Roadho... Oh God what happened." She says as she notices Junkrat, which causes her to intantly pull out her Caduceus Staff and engage her healing stream. "Can you please put him down and hold my staff? Make sure you keep that button pressed." She then runs off to go get bandages I hope. She comes back with Mei who also knows some medical stuff. They instantly start working. "What happened?" Mercy asks. "Well we were walking up the mountion and he fel down a hole which caused him to be knocked out. I then used my hook to pull him up but the spikes caused the wound in his stomach." "Well I am glad who could make I here in time because any later he would have been dead" Mercy said. "Well he looks better. Lets go back to the ship. Help me Mei, and Roadhog please go get some rest you did alot to day" "Alright" I respond. I am only glad he is still alive. I think as I walk towards the ship, suddenly feeling a tidal wave of tiredness.
A/N Well thats it for this chap. Man I am tired. Well I hope you enjoyed, and check out madeaccount who was the one who got me to make this story. I knoe this is the second time I mentioned him but I typed and, and that wad all i could think of. BYYEEEEE

Ummmm... Mei x Junkrat I guessWhere stories live. Discover now