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Chloe saw Dylan walk by the end of the lockers. She clashed herself on the rock hard lockers. 'You can do this Chloe.' Chloe approached Dylan as soon as he left. 'Oh…he left.' If you looked at Chloes face you could see she was bound to cry but then she saw shiny blonde hair walking down her way. 'Whats wrong?' 'Um… nothing.' Dylan walked towards his friends. 'Whats up Dylan??' 'Eh, usual.' 'But I found this girl by herself. She looked so lonely and really pretty.' 'Dude. She won't say yes. She wont ever accept you for who you are.' 'YES SHE WILL BECAUSE I LOVE HER MORE THAN I HAVE EVER LOVED YOU GUYS. I DONT EVEN WANT TO HANGOUT WITH YOU ANYMORE.'

Sorry this was short but I had writers-block.

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