Living Another Life

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I wiped at the tears falling from my eyes and stood up. Grabbing my purse again and my keys. I walked out of the room and down to the lot where  I had parked my car.  Unlocking the front door I popped it open and climbed in.  Once inside I locked the door and put on my seat belt. I just sat there and thought for a moment. I thought about how I had made it here. To this place. Sitting in this car. My brother dying, my parents hating me and me living another life. I never before imagined this is how my life would play out. This was not the life plan I had in mind. I didn't notice I had been crying until I was wiping the tears off my cheeks. Then I inserted the key turning until the car roared to life.  I turned to the radio and rotated the knob until the music was blaring from the car speakers. Then putting the car in reverse I pushed the gas. I drove out of the lot and to the nearest hotel. After I had parked my car I walked inside to the front desk were a short lady with dark brown hair and pale green eyes were waiting for texting someone on her phone. As I walked closer to her didn't didn't even look up. 

"Excuse me," I said in efforts to get her attention. It worked.

"Um. Yes what can I help you with?" she asked looking up.

"I was wondering if there are any rooms available?" 

"One second let me check," she turned to the computer and grabbed the mouse.

After a few seconds she looked back up at me, "We have three rooms available, two of them are conjoined. Do you have a preference?" 

"Umm.. yeah I'll take the other room."

"Okay, what's your name sweetie,"

"Jenna K., I said knowing that my insane mother would be looking for me and I didn't wait to run the risk of having her search my name in every hotel. For all, I know she could've hired a P.I. She was definitely crazy enough to do it.

"Alright Jenna that will be $150 upfront and $30 per night plus tax. Oh yeah, how long will you be staying?"

"A week," I told her. 

"Great!" she said. 

I picked up my purse and pulled out a small bag where I kept my emergency cash compliments of my parents. There was at least $3,000 in there which is crazy I know. But my parents are crazy.  Opening the bag a thumbed through the bills until I found a hundred and a couple the twenties and tens. Pulling out the exact amount of money in cash shocked the cashier a little but she didn't say anything about it. I handed the money over to her. I would've used my credit card but my mom would probably track that down and the last thing I wanted was for my mom to find me.

I felt like I was in one of those fugitive shows. The fugitive was always careful to hide as well as they could but they always got caught. 

It was then that I realized the lady was trying to hand me my key. I grabbed it out of her hand.

"It room 324 on the fourth floor."

"Thank you," I said zipping my bag back up and walking toward the elevator. Once inside I clicked the button that said four. And to put my back against the wall of the elevator.

No one got in the elevator with me as it was the morning and most people were still sleeping. When I reached the fourth floor I got out of the elevator and walked down the long hallway of rooms until I reached room 324. Then I pulled the slim key card from my pocket and held it up to the sensor the lock clicked. I pushed the door open without much effort at all. The room was decorated with different pictures of the city. To the right of the door was the bathroom it was small but that was okay. The bed was against the west wall; the covers were white and simple. A few pillows topped the bed. I tossed my purse onto the bed and walked back out to get my suitcase. 

After I brought my suitcase up to the room I set it in the small closet next to the bathroom in the short hallway. Then I picked up my phone and checked the time 7:45 a.m.  Jake would be waking up soon. I left my suitcase in my room but I took my purse. Then I walked down the hallway my door locking behind me. When I made my way back to my car I climbed in and started it up. Then I drove to back to the hospital. When  I walked into Jake's room I saw him sitting upright in his bed. 

"Hey stranger," he called when he noticed me walking in. 

"Hey Jake," I replied. 

"Where did you go?" he asked me.

"I just went to the house to pick up some clothes," I answered halfway not wanting him to know that I wasn't going to be staying at the house, because I knew he would over think it and get worried. 

"Oh," he said now uninterested, "When is Cameron coming?" 

Just then Cameron walked into the room.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I laughed a little. Looking over to Cameron. He walked over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Good morning beautiful," he said, "Did I hear you call me the devil?"

"Hey you are devilishly handsome," I repiled.

"I think I just threw up," Jake called reminding us that he was still there, "You guys are so gross and cheesey."

"You say that now but what about when you have your own girlfriend," Cameron asked.

"I definetly won't gross like you guys,"  he laughed

"Alright, alright," I called ending the converastion, "We're going now."

"Oh we are, are we?" Cameron asked.

"Yes, I'm straving move your but," I said, " Bye Jake!" I called as we walked out the door. 

"Later Em," I heard Jake say just before I shut the door.

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