Chapter 13

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*3rd Person POV*

A month went by without many issues. Ginny and Hermione was always sick in the mornings, but always felt better that evening.

*Harry's POV*

Ginny and Hermione have getting really sick only in the mornings and I have my suspicions, so I'm forcing them to go see Madam Pomfrey after we eat breakfast. Carlisle and I have finished eating, so I pick him up and walk towards the Gryffindor table. I walk up behind Hermione and Ginny.

"You ready?" I ask, scaring them. They look at each other, grab a piece of toast, and get up. I grab their bags before they could. They walk out of the Great Hall with me following them. I follow them to the Hospital Wing. They both lay down on a different bed while I go get Madam Pomfrey from her office. We come back out and she waves her wand over both of them.

"Congratulations, ladies," she says. "You're both pregnant." They look at each other shocked into silence.

"What are we going to do?" Hermione says. "My parents won't be happy with this and I know Ron will be of no help." I sit down on the edge of Hermione's bed.

"Well, we all will talk to both of parents," I say. "If they won't help you, I will. I have more than enough gold in my vaults to help you out. All you have to do is tell me what you want and I'll get it for you within reason." They jump on me, hugging me with tears in their eyes.

"Don't squish me," Carlisle yells. I kiss his head. They release their hold on me and I loosen the grip I have on the boy.

"You sound so much like your father, Carlisle," I say. "It's amazing how much you sound like him. It's actually quite surprising really." He glares at me.

"Not nice daddy," he says. "I'm nothing like that meany."

"I didn't say you were like him," I say. "I just meant that you sound like him every now and then." He snuggles into me, rubbing his eyes. "Someone looks sleepy." He nods his head. He lays his head on my shoulder and falls asleep quickly. "Shall we go to Dumbledore's office and get this over with?" They nod. We get up and leave. We go Dumbledore's office. The statue jumps to life when I approach it. We make our way up the stairs and barge into the room. Dumbledore jumps in his seat, surprised to see us together.

"We need to speak with you, Molly, Arthur and Hermione's parents now," I say. He floo calls them all and they all step through the fireplace minutes later. We all sit down around the room.

"What's going on?" Molly asks. "Is something wrong with Ginny?"

"Harry, would you mind explaining why you wanted these selected people here," Dumbledore says. Everyone looks to me.

"Sure," I say. "I'll have to go back a month to explain what exactly happened and then Hermione and Ginny have to tell you something." I look around and everyone is nodding.

"On September 7th, I was on my way down to Severus’s quarters to give Carlisle a bath and put him to bed," I say. "On my way down, I heard a muffled scream and a lot of crying coming from a classroom beside me. I went to investigate and I found Ron raping Hermione. Ginny was crying in a corner. She was nude, too. I used my magic to put clothes on Ginny while I tried to comfort her. Hermione and Ron didn't realize I was there until I pulled Ron away from Hermione and almost beat him to death that night. After I nearly killed him, I stabilized him and sent him to the Hospital Wing. I used my magic to put clothes on Hermione, too. After that, I dropped Carlisle off with Severus before escorting Hermione and Ginny to the Gryffindor Common Room. This was never brought up before because it wasn't necessary to do so until now. Ginny and Hermione have been sick lately. I forced them to go to Madam Pomfrey this morning."

All of the parents were in tears by the time I finished telling them what happened last month.

"Ginny, Hermione, your turn," I say.

"Mum, dad, I'm pregnant," Hermione says.

"Me, too," Ginny says. Everything was silent.

"What are you going to do?" Molly asks.

"We have already decided to keep our child," Ginny says.

"How are you going to support this child of yours while you're at school," Hermione's father asks.

"Well, I'll let Harry tell you that," Hermione says. Everyone looks to me. I lean back in my seat.

"If you don't want to support or help them, I will help them with anything they need," I say. Everyone stared at me. "I have enough money and places for Severus, our unborn twins, Ginny, Hermione, Carlisle, and I to live comfortably." Everyone continues to stare at me. "What did I say?"

"You said our twins," Molly says. "Why?"

"Because Severus’s unborn children are mine," I say. Molly stands up, furious.

"He has a spell on you, Harry," she says. "We must remove it."

"Molly, you throw a single spell at me and I'll have you dangling like a flag in 2 seconds," I say. She stomps up to me.

"How dare you threaten me!" Molly says, waking Carlisle up. He begins to cry and scream. I comfort him and glare at Molly. He soon settles back down and goes back to sleep. I get up, lay him down, and get in Molly's face.

"If you scare my kid again or try to control my life, I'll come after you, Molly," I say. "I protect my friends and my family even more. If you can't accept that then you can stay out of my life." Everyone looks at me in shock. I turn to Hermione and Ginny. I pick Carlisle back up and he instantly snuggles into me. "You ready to go ladies?" They get up and we all head for the door.

"Wait!" Hermione's mom yells. We turn around. "Hermione, we will gladly help you in any way we can. I would like to have my daughter and grandchild around as they're both growing up." Hermione nods.

"I'll see you for winter break, mum," Hermione says, hugging her parents. I smile at the happy scene in front of me. She walks out of the office with Ginny and I following her.

I escort Hermione to her transfiguration class and give her bag back to her. Then, I proceed to escort Ginny down to the dungeons for potions. We enter and she takes her seat. I give her bag back and head to the front of the room.

"Sorry for being late, class," I say. "I had some business to take care of this morning. Open your books to page 364. You will be brewing the draught of living death. Begin." They get started on their potion and I conjure up a small crib for Carlisle. I get to work on my school work while they are working.

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