Chapter 12

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Julie entered St. Thomas and stopped at the nurses station to find out which room Juice was in.

"Juan Carlos Ortiz is in room 302," a female voice answered from behind Julie. She turned to see a woman is a business suit standing behind her. "I'm Agent Stahl. ATF. Julia Winston, correct? May I have a few moments of your time?"

Julie nodded and followed Agent Stahl into the chapel. She sat in the pew behind Stahl.

"So, Ms. Winston, you are a hard woman to catch alone."

"Why did you need me alone, Agent Stahl?" Julie asked in an innocent tone.

"We wouldn't want the club or Gemma to think you're cooperating with my investigation now would we?"

"What investigation?"

"I'm looking into the Sons of Anarchy's gun running business and their IRA connections," Stahl said matter of factly.

Julie laughed. "I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree then."

"Am I?" Stahl asked. Julie nodded. "Look, Julie, you help me and I'll help you. We both know you don't want to be in Charming anymore than I do. You help me nail the club and I'll set you up in Wit Pro in Hawaii."

"What makes you think I want to leave Charming?"

"Because you've done it before. For about the last 10 years if my information is correct. You had to come back after your sister-in-law died to help take care of your brother's children which is an honorable thing to do. Tell you what, you can take Ellie and Kenny with you. Any where you want. You left for a reason, Julie. Is that really something you want those kids raised around?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Julie said as she stood to leave.

"I've looked into you, you know. You had good grades all the way up until your senior year and then they slipped off. You could have become a doctor or lawyer and instead got a job as a bartender."

"Do you have a point?"

"You saw something, didn't you? What did they do? What hurt you so bad that you ran away from home?"

"Nothing. They're mechanics and motorcycle fanatics. I was just a small town girl looking to move to the big city."

"And the federal weapons charges they face? You think that's nothing, too?"

"If you have anymore questions, please direct them to my lawyer," Julie said before walking out the door and into the elevator.

When the elevator doors opened and she stepped out, she could see the door marked 302. She went over to the open door and smiled when she saw Juice. He was into the nature show he was watching, a slight look of disgust on his face. She knocked lightly to get his attention. His face lit up when he saw her. Juice had never expected for her to visit him, but now that she was here he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Hey," he said. "Come on in."

"Look at you with a head full of hair."

Juice rubbed his head. "Yea, can't wait to get my hands on a razor. So, what brings you by?"

Julie held up the bag of food and set it down on his tray. "Figured you were probably starving. First all that jail food and then hospital food."

"Thank God," Juice said as he pulled the sandwich out of the bag. Then he stopped. "Wait. Is this a gateway sandwich?" He asked with a sarcastic tone.

"As a matter of fact, there is chips and a drink in there," Julie answered him. Juice smiled as he dug in. "So, an Agent Stahl just got done questioning me about you guys."

"What the hell did she want?"

"Said she could send me to Hawaii."

"What did you tell her?"

"Well, everything obviously," Julie said jokingly. "Nah, lucky for you coconut bras aren't my thing."

Juice smiled. Then he looked down and became very serious. "Why are you here, Jules?"

Julie didn't know what to say. She struggled with her words. "I'm sorry. For how things ended last time. I heard you were arrested and I was so worried. And then the other guys got out and you weren't with them. Bobby told me you had been stabbed and I..."

Juice pushed his tray away and grabbed Julie's hand, pulling her down to him. This time when he moved to meet her lips, she didn't hesitate or pull away. The kiss was long and deep. Juice's fingers combed through Julie's hair as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The two were completely involved in one another and oblivious to the world around them. Someone clearing their throat finally made the pull away from one another.

Bobby, the throat clearer, and Jax stood in the doorway. Jax began to clap. Julie stood up from the bed and fixed her hair.

"Nice, very nice," Jax said.

"Bite me," Julie replied.

"How's our favorite pin cushion?" Jax asked Juice.

"Good. I miss you guys," Juice told him.

"Miss you, too, little Rican," Bobby said and hugged Juice.

"Should have been out of here days ago, but still have a little blood in my stool."

"Nice," Jax said.

"Appreciate the update," followed Bobby.

"Trust me, man. You're better off in here," Jax told Juice.

"Yea, I heard about Cara Cara. That shit sucks. What do we know?"

Jax and Bobby both pointedly looked at Julie.

"Yea, ok," she said as she grabbed her stuff to leave. "You guys talk. I'll be back."

"For more Rican lovin'?" Jax called after her. Without turning, Julie flipped him off over her shoulder.

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