Hello there! I was requested by amorwrites_ to provide my favourite fonts, and I thought, why not? The fonts I like are pretty mainstream and I use them quite often so people might know what they are, but it's still fun, so here you go:
My Favourite Fonts
Title Fonts: Arial & Arial Italic
1. Annabel
2. Ardenwood Demo
3. Beauty and the Beast
4. Bebas
5. Beyond the Mountains
6. Coolvetica
7. DK Coal Brush
8. Feathergraphy
9. The Last Font I'm Wasting On You
10. Wish I Were Taller-
That's all I guess! I have a lot of fonts that I like, but listing them all would take ages and it'll be a bother, so this is all I'm doing right now. I hope you don't mind that this is messy xD Also, I hope you guys like these fonts!
Yours truly,