Prologue: A Fateful Encounter

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Meeting him was where it all began. His peculiar hair and eye colour should had been eye catching enough, but somehow he always went unnoticed by others. His somewhat natural yet very unusual weak presence, plus his pale complexion and small and meek stature would had made him a target of teasing, if he weren't already so invisible to others.

"Kuroko Tetsuya." The teacher called out once, no response. "Kuroko Tetsuya." She tried again and scanned the room for a sign of a raised hand, but a dozen of blank stare was all that she got. She sigh and was ready to mark down that he was absent before a voice interrupted her.

"Teacher, he's here." The teacher raised her head and her eyes immediately snapped toward the direction of the voice. There, sitting at the last row of the class, two seats from the window was a girl with copper tinted hair tied up into a ponytail with a red ribbon. Her left arm was raised and she was pointing to the seat beside her, the seat by the window. Her soft brown mixed with a slight tint of orange eyes peered into the teacher's. Her expression could only be described as impassive. The teacher's eyes followed the direction of her finger before resting on a young boy with baby blue hair and round blue eyes, his right arm was raised, signalling his presence. His face was a mixture of confusion and distress, obviously upset that he was looked over and ignored.

"A-ah, Kuroko-kun, I'm sorry, I did not notice you, my apologies." The teacher apologised, a bit taken aback at the fact that she did not notice him earlier. She could have sworn that the seat was empty and unoccupied. Letting out a sigh, she quickly marked his attendance and the rest of the class' before starting her lesson.

"..Just now..for the attendance thing, Thank you.." A soft and mellow voice from her left broke Hikari out from her trance as she close the storybook she was reading before facing him.

"It's alright." She leaned back against her chair and stretched her body.

"..What's your name?" He asked again, a small blush on his cheeks.

"Akagane Hikari, nice to meet you." She answered and extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you too." He smiled and took her hand in his.

And on that day, a fateful encounter has brought together two individual​ that were about to change both of their lives, for the better or worse.

(A/N: Heyooo~ Author-san here~ I hope you'll enjoy this first chapter that I've decided to post here, I've been reading some other fanfic and was really inspired to create my own, I hope I didn't do too bad, this is my first time actually posting my writings online :D anyway, please continue to support me if you like this chapter and I'll see you all in the next update, Byeee~~)

Copyright © 2017 by -DarkMintz-
All rights reserved.

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