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MANDAG 10:29



The first day at school after their break went lithe. Fleur and Eva spend almost the whole day together, laughing and talking about different things. It was like a dream coming true for Fleur, however all good things end. It was in Spanish when a certain blonde haired, red lipstick wearing girl seated herself next to Eva, while Fleur was at the toilet and when she came back, she was furious. A feeling of jealousy, that she had never felt before started to bubble up inside of her, making her heart pound faster and her hands turn into tightly clenched fists. She tried to calm herself down, which wasn't easy as she heard Eva laugh at something the blond girl said, yet she tried her best to hide her feelings and walked over to the newly formed duo.

"So what did I miss, while I was gone", said Fleur, trying her best not to sound like she was going to murder someone right away. Eva turned her head, looking directly into Fleur's  chocolate coloured eyes. Eva had always liked Fleur's eyes, it reminded her of freshly made hot chocolate and made her feel koselig, she also loved Fleur's long, thick lashes and the way her short hair, that was equally as brown as her eyes, would sit so perfectly right on her shoulders. "Nothing interesting really, I just met Noora", responded Eva yonderly, snapping out of her daze, not breaking eye contact with Fleur. The three of them had a short conversation before the teacher walked in and interrupted them, and due to the fact that Noora took her place next to Eva, Fleur had to sit in the only place that was free, which was at the far back, making it impossible for her to sneak glances or talk to Eva. Annoyed she grabbed her backpack from the floor and took her place in the back, separated from the world, better said her world, Eva.


Eva and Fleur were standing in the school hallway, laughing at all the posters that were hung up on the wall, about not using drugs or illegal substances. They were having a jaunty time, and Fleur was happier than ever this week, because her and Eva had hung out almost every day. Eva had told her about her encounter with Vilde and told her about wanting to join her russ bus. She even begged Fleur to be on the bus with her and Fleur accepted, wanting to spend as much time with Eva as possible. The two of them were talking about random topics, before someone interrupted the duo. 

"H. As in have you got a drug problem", the girl that had interrupted Eva's and Fleur's conversation said, causing Fleur to roll her eyes in annoyance. "Or H, as in , have you got any plans for Friday?", Noora added, ignoring Fleur and turning to Eva. The feeling of envy, that Fleur had felt on Monday, arose again, making her cheeks heat up. Fortunatly before she could let out her annoyance to Noora, a blonde girl interrupted them. She was telling Eva about the bus meeting and asked her if she could host it instead, she also asked Noora if she wanted to join the russ bus, who lucky for Fleur, declined the offer. 

"I'll gladly join, if you need more people.", proposed Fleur, to which Vilde agreed to. Fleur noticed two more girls, one a little bit plump and the other wearing a hijab approaching them, out of the corner of her eye. After the six girls discussed who would join the bus they all went their separate ways and Fleur, who was going to stay over at Eva's, walked home together with her, laughing and talking like they have known one another for eternity. 

FREDAG 18:50

The bus meeting was a mess. Fleur felt out of place and slightly uncomfortable when Sana mentioned hooking up with '97 boys. She had no intentions of hooking up it wasn't the fact that she hated boys, she liked them, she was attracted to them but she was also attracted to girls. She had found that out a long time ago, yet she didn't like to talk about it, nor label herself as bisexual, she just liked the thought of falling in love with anyone, no matter if girl or boy. The thing that made her so uncomfortable with the whole "hooking up" thing, was, that she was supposed to do it for popularity, and not because she had feelings for someone and Fleur didn't want to be involved in those kind of relationships. Surprisingly Noora stood up for herself and spoke her mind about the whole subject, earning an agreeing nod from Fleur. She realized that maybe Noora wasn't that bad, she just didn't like the fact of her hanging out with Eva and Eva replacing Fleur with her. Maybe she could even become good friends with the Sætre girl, since they were going to be together in a bus for three more years and that thought didn't bother her as much as it would have a couple of days ago.

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