PROLOGUE- The Robbery

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PROLOGUE- The Robbery

Sometimes, opposites attract. And when they do, there is fire.

- Unknown

The sky was pouring down a tumult of tears as I saw the shoddy brickwork of home. My footsteps increased eagerly, and I ignored the splashes of water that infriltrated my pumps. The familiar glow of the artificial light bounced off the pavement, shadowing my petite frame. The lights were suddenly growing brighter, confused, I stopped walking. My espresso brown hair was damp, and trickles of rainwater escaped into the collar of my trenchcoat. Usually I had a little more luck than this, but about three seconds after I pulled to a halt, a limousine sped past. At the speed of god knows what, sending a crashing wave of water all over me.

It looked as if I'd just gone dancing in a swimming pool, clothes on. Or pissed myself after drinking the Pacific Ocean.

As amusing as this situation was, cold chills were already spasming their way down my arched back. Spluttering on water and hair alike, I continued in a faster pace home. Swerving right, into the back alley I used when no-one was home, I produced a key. Pale, goosebump ridden fingers trembling and fumbling, attempting to jam A into B- ah, shit. Sounded like a sex ed class- I cursed the rich bastard(s).

"I'll have you know I'm not spoilt, just privellaged." A indignant voice materialised from over my shoulder, no doubt the voice of that filthy privelliged bastard. Ignoring the urge to turn around and press my body against the warm radiating from the bastard, I pretending I hadn't heard anything, and gave a nasty cough. Hoping that whoever he was, he wouldn't want to interact with lowly peasants, now would he.

"Would you like a hand with that, Queen Alaska of Brooklyn"  I could feel his cheast reverberate. A small, bitter chuckle escaping his lips. My whole body was now tensed, and dripping with water. How the hell did this guy know my name? 

"Well done, you know where we are. Do you want a clap, big bud?" I cooed, turning around. 

My breath caught in my throat, my face flaming inherently. I squeezed my eyes tight, but his handsome, malevolent face was imprinted into my eyelids.

His plump lips were a luscious pale pink, and curled into an annoying smirk as he took in my reaction. Tan skin, flawless, in the dim light surrounding the alley. The bastard's face was perfectly angled, prominent cheekbones reflecting the little light. And dark, black eyes, framed with a mop of obsidian black hair.

Suddenly, I could feel two cool hands on top of my eyes, blinding me. I tried to push them away, but his frip was firm and had my nerves on sharp alert.

"Guess who?" I tried to stop the blood rushing to my face, I probably resembled a beetroot.

"Bastard, get off me." I replied, my voice came out venomous, I was glad of that. 

"Try again." I could feel his breath tickling my face, smelling of ciggarettes, lemons and an undercurrent of strawberry. I blew out through my lips, cursing my lack of pepper spray.

"Rich bastard?" I asked innocently, pouting. And suddenly my sight was regained.

"The names Jasper." He said, inclining his head in a subtle nod, causing black waves to tumble over his eyes. In which he gave me a seductive stare, I didn't break eye contact. His eyes weren't actually black, just an enticing, glittering brown. With one corner of those plump lips curled up, he began taking measured steps back. Never taking those eyes off me.

I began taking steps towards him, wondering what he was hiding in those hands of his. Allowing a smile of my own to appear, I followed him. Watching him dissapear in all his finery, back into that limo he arrived in.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, what was that all about? Then the tinted window started rolling down, and his smug face appeared for a split second. He was singing.

"Little Alaska Dale, looks like a have something of yours!" He chirped in a bright sing song voice.

Holding up a scuffed leather purse, that looked very familiar.

"SHIT! That's mine you bastard!"

I ran, my wobbling legs carrying me quickly, but of course, these things were no match for a limo. And then he was off, leaving a cascade of water spraying from the sidewalk, onto me.

Who the hell steals a purse, from a girl in Brooklyn.

Then rides off in a limo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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