Petty Games

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Okay Guys This Is A HeadsUp . . Be Aware That This Chapter Is Extremely Explicit 🙊 Yesss It's More Sex You Guys Should Be Able To Handle It Tho We're All Mature Here Righ . . Also I've Decided To Change Up A Few Stuff But It's Nothing Major 💁 I Hope Y'all Enjoying My Book . I'll Be Updating A lot More Because This Is Fun 😍 Enjoy!!! Love Ya 💋.

Skyler POV

It's been 1 year Since I've been dating Quintrell. Spring Break is here and I was ready to spend it with Banks (Quintrell)..

My mom is always down my back about lil shit I swear.. It's not like I'm one of dese dumb bitches out here fucking for a holla and dolla nah that's not me.. I'm going to leave this place as soon as I graduate.

My plans are to go off to College to get my masters degree. I'll be a English major.. Soon to be school teacher yeah I could see all that now. I'll be graduating in 2 more months.

I really love who I'm becoming.

Banks on the other hand dropped out of school last year. We were on the verge of breaking up. I love my nigga but I'll be damn to be with a dumb nigga.

We came to some type of agreement that he would eventually go back to get his GED. I convinced him and he finally came around.

Banks is a couple of years older than me so he taught me a lot about the streets. I'm book smart but I kind of lacked street smart but I'm schooled now.


I jumped up scared half the death by my mom big ass mouth. See what I mean this lady always tripping.

I made sure the kitchen was clean before I went bed.. Shit it was her bad ass kids dese mothafuckas always messing somethin up.

Ignoring the fact that my mom was still yelling at me I slipped some sweats on and a t-shirt since I decided to sleep naked that night.

"Why are you yelling.. It's not that serious you act like.." Before I knew it my mom had hauled off and slapped the shit out of me.


I just shook my head and started to clean up the kitchen. My cheek was burning and tears begin to run down my face.

I never cleaned a kitchen so fast in my entire life. I made sure I did everything before I left out that way she couldn't say shit else to me.

Since I already asked if I could stay at Zendaya's house for Spring Break.. I already planned on staying at Quintrells house instead.. I'm so sneaky but I don't give a fuck.

I packed me a suitcase with 2 weeks worth of clothes. I looked around my room to see if I was missing anything and I wasn't... I was all set.

I looked over to see that I had a missed call and it was from Banks. I returned his phone call.

"I'm on my way.. I hope you ready Sky."

Banks still has a hard time adjusting to how long I take to get ready. He should have known I wasn't.

"Give me like 20 min I'll meet you at the corner" my voice was cracking.. I was still pissed off that my mom put her hands on me.

Banks could hear the pain in my voice and I know he was concerned..

I ended the phone call and headed out the back door after saying goodbye even tho I didn't want to say a damn thing to my mother.

I looked over to my mom. She was at the kitchen table drinking a glass of wine.

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