Chapter two wait we're getting adopted by them?

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Addison's POV

Ella and I were watching  BTR's funny moments when Mrs.Ryder walked and said that we have a inter view at 3:00! It was 12;00 so we decided to start getting ready!

I jumped in the shower will Ella got our nice outfits together!

I got out of the shower and put on lotion,fdrued my hair annd did all the other stuff

Then ella got in the shower and did the same thing as me

We got dressed and then it was 11: 57

We decided to touch up on our hair

It was 12:00 now

We walked down to Mrs.Ryder and she pointed to the interiwe room

we walked in and we could not believe who was sitting at the table but we hide our excitment and intotuced ourselves

Hi I am Addison but call me Addi

and I am Ella you can call me El

Kendall spoke up and said nice to meet you I am kendalla nd this Logan james and Carlos and his wife Alexa!! 

I forgot Ella and I had a BTR shirt on under our nice outfits

Fan kendall said 

Yep we said in unsion 

They asked us a bunch of qouestions

Alexa spoke up said welcome to family! Call me mom and Carlos Dad

Ella and I looked at each other and we smiled and said ok Mom

We walked out ran upstaris to get out things while they sgined the papers

ADDISON EMBER AVIE we are getting adopted by BTR 

I know! AHH

 WE packed our things and headed dwon stairs to our new family!

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