Just Friends

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Lexi's POV

I get up out of bed and get dressed in- www.polyvore.com/outfittt/set?id=...

I walk downstairs and grab a water and head out to school.

I get to school and see my friends Olivia-www.polyvore.com/bleghhh/set?id=1... and Caley-www.polyvore.com/untitled_34/set?... Caley's kinda a tom boy but whatever.

Me and Olivia walk to our lockers which are right beside each others. I grab my books and head to class.


Me, Olivia, and Caley sit where we usually sit. We sit and talk and joke around until this boy catches my eye. "Do any of you know who that is?" I ask. "oh you mean the hot guy that moved next door. Yeah that's Harry" Livy says. "Yeah that guy." (Idk what happened to the keyboard i clicked something.) "Him and his family are coming over tonight for dinner." Livy says "ooh. Can I come over?" I ask "Yeah." She says "I'll just lend you an outfit for the dinner." She adds.

Lexi's POV

We get to Livy's house. She gives me this to get dressed in- weheartit.com/entry/97585545/sear...

She gets dressed in-weheartit.com/entry/97521543/sear...

We hear a knock at the door and Livs mum answers it. She then called us down there. "How do I look?" I say straightening my outfit a bit. "You look fine, let's go." She says and drags me downstairs. Me and her freeze at the sight. We soon come back to reality and keep walking into the dining room sitting in a random seat. But me and her sit beside each other. Livy's mum sits beside me and her dad sits beside her. "So, girls this is our neighbour's. Rob, Anne, Harry, Edward, and Gemma." then she says "Rob, Anne, Gemma, Harry, Edward. This is my daughter Livy and her friend Lexi." We all say our 'Hi's' and 'nice to meet yous'

We get done eating and our parents make us go into the living room. It stays quiet a bit until someone says "Let's play truth or dare." I look over at the person who said it. It was Harry. He smirks at me. I blush looking down. "Yeah. We need some fun." Edward says joining him on the floor. "I agree. Its untelling how long they'll be talking." Liv says and drags me with her. Gemma groans and sits with us. "This is gonna be SO fun." She says and you can hear the sarcasm in her voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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