Hi luvs im super sorry i havent updated i will try my best but if some of you are like " Psh she doesn't have nothing to do shes just lazy" im not this is my schedule monday to friday school and i have a ton of missing work i have to do so yeah Saturday i have music school and church class and Sunday i try to relax.
Im really proud of this i will try to keep u updated on this but i was accepted to a junior high academy so i have to work twice as hard
Also had to crop pic so u DONT know where my school might beThats all for today also u know who u r my mom deleted kik on my phone srry
Bye luv! KITTYS OUT! ♡Update 3/13/18
Hey guys i havent been really well lately alots gone down i dont know what to do i wont lie i just want to die i feel worthless a waste of space and if you want to say oh shes just trying to get attention no i am not i feel terrible i dont know but i just feel empty inside i lost my two best friends for i stupid thing i did and i havent seen my friends from elementary and i liked the wrong person and shit happened ok i went through some things for a while and still am i hear these voices in my head telling me it my fualt and Im worthless and shouldn't have been born these voices wouldn't stop and i began to cut but i was found out and the blade was taken away i thought if i wrote here it would make me feel better i guess but if you guys want to tell me other flaws go ahead its not likely that anything u say would be something new
Im sorry its my fault hope u can forgive me