Xenon Martin (Part One)

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!!No, he is not a neko, for the picture I drew him as one because its adorable ok lol!!

Name: Xenon Martin

Reason: His parents, who are professors, admire the Greek language. They are fully fluent in modern and ancient Greek, as well as other languages. Their obsession like love for the language defiantly shows within their child's name. Fun fact, Xenon means "Foreigner, guest" () because his parents wanted him to always be traveling. He would like to travel the world, or at least the country.

Pronunciation: Zee-non Mar-tin

Nickname: X

Reason: It's short, easy to remember.

Fandom: None, he was created for his own story.

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: American- Eastern and Southern European


Country: United States of America

State: New York

City: New York City

Religion: None (Atheism)

Reason: His parents specialize in culture, but when it comes to religion they only read and study it. They never believed it, his parent's never thought "Maybe this is true?" It doesn't mean that they didn't love learning and exploring it. Same goes for Xenon.

Sex: Male

Gender: Not fully decided. Leaning towards male.

Reason: When growing up, his parents opened him up to multiple cultures, giving him an open mind in different life styles. They didn't really have an open mind for genders or even blinked an eye at it. So, neither did Xenon. As you can tell now, he grew up extremely close to his parents. He was born with his parents' wings around him, and a silver spoon in his mouth. When growing up, he would constantly see how males are masculine, and females were feminine. Boys played sports and were the smart ones. Girls were the ones that looked pretty. Well, Xenon loves fashion and makeup as well as basketball. His parents are open with him being trans, but feel as if he were a female. He wouldn't play basketball. They would try to force him to only like one side, so after legal age, Xenon moved out.

Currently, Xenon goes to therapy at least once a month. His therapist first wants to train his brain to not having such gender boundaries. Then she wants him to figure out what category he sits in. For now, he says he is male, just to be able to say a quick and easy answer.

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them

Sexuality: Only attracted to males

Relationship Status: Taken by Marcos Felix (Other OC)

Age: 24 years old

Birthday: August 23, 1992

Zodiac Sign: Leo (Lion)

Reincarnation: This is the 2nd for the one soul. (Will be explained more in the story, so read that *winks*)

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 160-165 Lb

Reason: The extra weight is from muscle. Also them thighs.

Natural Hair Color: Blonde

Dyed: Tips are a mixture of blue, purple, and pink.

Style: He has a fluffy quiff with longish hair in the back and sides. So, a modernized mullet??

Natural Eye Color: Green

Contacts: Mostly purple, but sometimes pink.

The reason for Hair and Eye Color Change: It's like a dysphoria that trans men and women get. It helps him cope with it. Plus, he just thinks he looks cute because he is.

Skin Color: Pale, more on the pink fleshy tone.

Reason: He may be outgoing, but he doesn't stay out in the sun long.

Eyebrows: He plucks and shaves them very often into a nice, sideways oval shape. It's very unique, and he gets many questions about it, but he rocks it. His right (so your left) eyebrow has two studs in it. One top, the other bottom. He has copper balls put in.

This is only part one of how many parts I decide to do this in. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget that you can ask questions, and add criticism.  

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