Chapter Eighteen: Nightmare

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Warning this chapter contains violence

"I believe he is a good person." I defend the boy with the golden hair.

"Men are not like us Jaclynn. They are quite simply wired, but they can be dangerous if you don't present yourself right." She looks at me as I sit in the chair in front of the desk.

"But, they can be kind." I say quickly.

"They will use you at any chance Jaclynn! They have two sides, and two different motors that drive them, lust and knowledge. That is it."

"But what about their emotions?"

She leans forward slapping my face and I hardly phases me. Not anymore.

"You honestly think that their small minds process emotions?"

"What about-"

She takes out her leather belt and I quite.

"My husband? Oh Jaclynn, things were much simpler back then, I had something that could provide allies and he had power and wealth." She plays with the makeshift whip in her hands.

I look down.

"Never evade eye contact! Do you want to appear submissive to other countries and men so that they can walk all over you?! Your pretty face will cause you nothing but trouble."

"Please don't" I stammer sitting back in my chair.

"You never show your weaknesses!" She screeches throwing a pair of scissors at my face.

By an inch it misses my eye but scraps my cheek.

Blood rushes forth.

Tears spring into my eyes but I know it will only make things worse.

"Stand up and recite your speech for the national broadcast tomorrow. Shed one tear and you are to whipped ten times on the back."

I stand up noting the blood dripping onto my peach colored dress.

Quickly I recite the short speech regarding my father's 50th birthday.

"Where was the part about great leadership?" She asks standing and moving inches away from my face.

"I didn't have a proper place to insert it." I whisper.

"Do not whisper young lady. If an alliance is on the line and you needed to include a certain fact but you couldn't, fit it in somewhere, you have doomed your country!"

"Why would I need to make negotiations Jax will have the throne?" I ask quickly.

Something sharp pulls from my right temple to right cheek bone and I cry out in pain.

"Have you learned nothing you insolent child? You are still Royalty!"

Her hands shove me to the ground and my head hits the floor causing more blood to gather on my dress

A sharp crack echoes through the room and the pain quickly follow, I would scream, I would, but there would be more pain for each scream. More strikes. More blood. More pain. More scars.

Black spots swim into view and the lashes of the whip stop. I feel torn skin at my back along with my cheek.

"Now that wasn't so hard. Was it?"

I want to scream, to fight, but if I did I'm not sure what I would gain from it.

"That is enough of the lessons for today. Be back here at the same time on Tuesday I believe we need to work on your tolerance and you listening skills."

She leads me into my room and then leaves and I hear the click of the lock.

"Yes ma'am" I choke out.

I stumble around my room vision swirling.

I need to get out, I need medical help.

What if I die?

She didn't lock my door to my music room...

Stumbling I move toward the door with a small durable clock.

With shaky aim and a pounding headache I hurl the clock at the Mirror knowing that noise can make someone notice even at this hour of night.

I stumble back trying to avoid the shards, but I fall forward onto my hands, causing multiple pieces to attach to my skin.

"Princess?" There is a banging on the door.

"Help." I call out but it is barely above a whisper as I feign of the darkness thrusting towards me.

A loud noise sounds out and the door opens.

Footsteps make their way to me and I see a guard no older than 20 through the haze.

"Who are you?" I ask wanting to know who it is that is here to save me.

"Officer Gerard, Your majesty. What happened?"

"She was only teaching me." I state making no sense.


"Am I going to die?" I see the peach dress soaked in red and worry.

"No," He smiles faintly. I think. "You are fourteen, you have quite a long while to go. Try to stay awake."

"Are you a doctor?"

"I was working on it before I was sent of to the palace, I'll bring you to the infirmary no one is there at this hour."

"Will I have scars?" Darkness is rushing faster and faster towards me.

"Undoubtedly so Princess, I am sorry."


Hello I am back an ready to Write! Thanks for anyone who's stuck around.


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