Part One : Doesn't feel right

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My names Justin Bieber. 20 years old and currently single. You might be asking, well "why?". Well I just got out of a relationship. Things were horrible after. The loneliness has been torturing for me. My girlfriend and well you see, my mom died a few years back and my dad is always at work. Never texts or returns my calls. That cheapskate ass father. But sadly I gotta love him, after all he is my ONLY father.

I recently fell into a depression when my gf cheated on me with some bum ass nigga. She suspected that I was gay.


Me and my girlfriend went to the club together on our 12 month anniversary. Our bodies grinding into each other as we felt pleasure from head to toe. Music playing sexually in the background. The only thing that mattered was having fun with my significant other.

20 mins later

I told my girlfriend I'd sit down, she nodded and continued dancing in her own space. Keep in mind we're drunk as hell. As I arrived at the countertop, I regained a little bit of my concentration. Soon a guy who looks almost identical sat next to me. I looked at him with shock! I hid my face with my jacket to avoid questions. He seemed like my twin almost, like my brother, or maybe its just a coincidence that he looks like me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when He tapped my shoulder. I jerked backwards and gasped. He smiled at me and winked. I mean he's cute but I don't want him knowing I said that. Besides he's most likely drunk too.
Then the strangest  thing happened. He wrapped his arms around my torso and started stroking my leg. I felt like I should stop it but it felt so good. He seductively whispered in my ear ,"You feel sexy." That's when I realized I got HARD! What would my girlfriend think of this???

No thats it! I'm stopping this before anything gets out o----- I got interrupted when my girlfriend appeared at the scene. It didn't look good on her end. Let me tell you she looked aggravated.

"Babe its not what it looks like!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah right, You should see your fucking dick right now" she said.

Right... As I got up from my chair the guy who looked like me grabbed my face and forcefully made me kiss him.

Deadass in front of my gf.

She gasped in shock, surely she would understand it's not me who kissed him. She was standing in front of us. You guessed wrong

She screamed and slapped me .
Who this bitch think she is? Why the hell would you slap me, slap the fucker who did it. I didn't even kiss back! 

Welp her assumption was to think I was gay all along and this was the way to break it to her.

The thing is I told her I'm only bisexual and that I like both sides. You know what she did?! She looked at me with total disgust and said ,"No theres no such thing as bisexual, you're fucking gay, we're through!"

When we both got to our apartment (caught an uber, because drinking and driving bad) she told me i was sleeping on the couch. I said no because this is MY apartment. She huffed and drunkely went to our bedroom and went to sleep.... or so I thought.

Turns out she was fake sleeping and waited out till I went to bed. She packed all of her things and left leaving only a note of her remembrance.

The note said ," That's why I've been cheating on you with a rich guy for the past year, at least he can make up his mind on which gender he likes."
- P.S. We had a great time together but I feel like your into guys, sorry I cheated, hope you find another M̶a̶n̶ woman to satisfy you.

* End of Flashback *

Well.... um yeah. That happened 2 weeks ago. And I still can't get over the guy who looks like me. I mean are we related. Whatever he is to me, I want to see him more. His charming facial features, his blue ocean eyes, god his lips.

Oh shit I might actually be gay and not bisexual.


MEHWHWHWH hi noodles, long time no see. Updated finally, wanted to make a gay fanfic cause I felt like it :) hope you enjoy, part 2 tomorrow ! Bye noodles , also sorry its short

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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