My Prince Charming

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HI Friends, I was busy with my studies that is why I don't get time to update or edit this story .So now I am free .I am rewriting this. Hope you guys like this.

Scene 1

Kittu , did you have any boyfriend ? Sharon asked to her cute sister whom she fondly calls as "kittu".

"NO DI". You know about all my secrets. I am waiting for my prince charming" Hearing sharon's question she replied with a shy face.

Oh ! so my kittu is waiting for her prince charming .Sharon started to tease her.


Scene 2

Shona ,why are you blushing so much.Your cheeks have become like ripe tomatoes.What happened ? Her mother Sneha Raiprakash asked her. Hearing her mother's question Sharon replied to her, Mumma I think our kittu has got her prince charming.


Scene 3

"If you don't tell him about your feelings , then how will he understand that you are the girl who loves him? But jiju I am so nervous. Hearing her jiju's question that girl replied. Seeing her nervousness swayam started to boost her confidence by saying : Don't be panic baby , go straight and say 'I LOVE YOU ' to him. Hearing her jiju's words she somehow able to bring some confidence to herself and she says :Jiju you are right. I have to be confident. Today itself I will tell him about my feelings.


Scene 4

Why are you crying my angel ? Her father Gautham RaiPrakash asked to her. Papa , he doesn't love me. He loves someone else. Saying this she starts to cry and hug him tightly. Its ok angel. Not everyone in this world is not lucky to get their first love in life.You are only 18 . Life just not stops here. Life is not only about love . We should move on our life. You should follow your dreams. Conquer the world and make papa , mumma proud. He breaks the hug and take her face in her hands and says with a smile "Angel's don't cry" . Hearing this she smiles. Seeing her smile Gautham says , Not that feeble smile . I want my real angel's smile.

Scene 5

Gautam , I can't see my angel like that, says sneha to her husband. I am also feeling sad seeing her . But what can we do? I have no idea what to do to make our angel's smile back. I think you should talk about this matter to your dad. Seeing gautham's helplessness sneha advised him.

Gautam, I think you should think about angel's marriage,say's Gautham's father Rajyavardhan Raiprakash to his son. But papa she is so young for such a big responsibility. I know that gautam, but in this situation marriage will be the right decision.

We are not putting any type of pressure in you. Think about this whole matter in a calm mind. This is your life. You have to make the decision for your life. Whatever your decision , we all are together with you. Saying this sneha walks away from room.

Papa , I am ready for marriage.

Thank you baby. We are proud of you


Scene 6

What do you want now? The girl asked to the guy infront of her. I love you. Why you are not understanding my feelings the guy says angrily to the girl.

Today is her marriage says Gautham to the same guy. No it's not possible she loves me . she will not agree to marry anyone else. Saying this the guy falls in his knees and begin to cry.

You love me right . Please tell them how much you lovee me ?

I don' t love you. Please try to understand. Today is my marriage

Why is this happening in our life jaan , the guy asked to her.

Because you are not my real PRINCE CHARMING


Welcome to story of a girl who dreams about her perfect man in her life . Her PRINCE CHARMING  Does she get her prince charming . What do you think ? Will she get her happily ever after ?

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