The Sky is Falling

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The sky had physically split open. Bolts of light fell from it like godly rain - and each and every one of them contained an angel. They plummeted towards the ground, and struck it like fireworks. This spectacle was illuminated in the reflection from Sam's eyes - he was up against the side of the Impala, gasping for air. Whatever those Trials had done to him wasn't good.
His brother clutched onto his shoulders, staring both at him and up at the sky. Dean called Sam's name repeatedly, but his brother couldn't hear him. All that he could hear was an intense ringing. The songs of each of the angels.

'Okay. We're getting you out of here.' Decided Dean aloud, and picked his brother up with great difficulty. He planted the nigh-catatonic Sam on the front seat of his car, and then got in himself. Placing his foot on the gas - and moving the gears downwards, the Impala thundered away from the church. In the rear view mirror, Dean cursed under his breath as an angel struck the roof of the building and sent it crumbling into rubble.

Dean swerved the car along a two-lane country road, and dialled a number on his phone frantically.
'Hello, you've been Garthed.' This was normally amusing - though today, it was far from it. 'Dammit Garth.' Dean said, as if in response to the voicemail, and slammed the phone down.
Beads of sweat rolled down Sam's forehead, and his eyes darted around in his pale face. His fists clenched and unclenched. Little dots of heavenly light swum upwards and downwards underneath his skin, increasing in brightness every time an angel fell.

Dean winced at this sight, and resorted to calling Castiel's number. Nothing. Kevin's number. Nothing. Bobby's number. Nothing - obviously. He hit the steering wheel, and pressed down harder on the pedal; with a roar, the car churned up dirt behind it. Finally, it ground to a halt outside the bunker's door in Kansas.

Dean smashed the car door open, and cocked a shotgun in his hands in panic. The angels hadn't stopped falling. Everywhere. They rained from the sky in amazing numbers. Dean dropped the gun, and grabbed Sam underneath the arms. He attempted to put him down on the ground - and, thank God, he stood.
Although he was standing, Sam was only minimally conscious. He tottered towards the door and physically fell against it with a loud and unhappy thud. 'Crap.' Dean growled, and thrust a key into the wooden thing. It opened, and Sam stumbled through. He impacted onto a chair - and stayed there like a corpse.

An arrow landed on the balustrade, just adjacent to Dean. He looked around in shock, and aimed his shotgun. As soon as he heard this familiar sound, Kevin Tran ran out from behind a pillar. He was holding a crossbow, and put his hands above his head in panic.
'Whoa! Don't shoot!' He yelled at Dean. Once he said this, the Winchester placed the gun down onto a seat by the door, and ran down the stairs to greet Kevin. 'What happened?' He asked.
'I was just here, and then the machine went crazy. All of them - beeping and screaming. It was insane.' Practically spouted Kevin, all in one breath. 'Then there were these lights. And explosions. I thought that the world was ending.' Kevin continued to babble. Dean gestured for him to 'shut up' - and turned towards Sam.

His brother had turned himself around on the chair, and was looking at him and Kevin in confusion.
'Dean? What happened?' Sam mumbled, wide-eyed like a child.

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