Chapter 9

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SoYoung's POV:Light, that is what I first thing i saw as I opened my eyes

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SoYoung's POV:
Light, that is what I first thing i saw as I opened my eyes. I rubbed my fluffy eyes to clear my vision, not soon I was greeted by soft snoring sounds. I looked beside me and saw my two cousins sleeping soundly.

I chuckled and got up from the bed and looked at the time. It was 12 in afternoon, I realized that I slept in today. I ruffled my messy hair and did  my normal morning or in this case afternoon routine.

I decided make breakfast for the two sleeping beauties who were passed out on my bed. Quickly I prepared pancakes for us. I ate mine while kept theirs in the microwave.

I sitting on the kitchen table and my coffee cup was pressed against my lips as I was scrolling through my phone.

Surprisingly, there were no messages from Jungkook. I guess he got really pissed yesterday. I sighed as leaned my head against the chair and locked my  phone.

Soon the door bell rang, I lazily got up and attended the door. "Surprise Soyo!" There stood Jungkook and the rest of BTS members in front of me with food bags in their hands.

My eyes widened in shock, not believing they were standing in front of me. "Aren't you gonna give me a hug?" Jungkook pouted cutely. I rolled my eyes and embraced him into a tight hug.

He laughed and hugged me back, nuzzling his nose in my neck and sniffing my scent. "I missed you so much..." He whispered in my ear and tighten the hug even more. I nodded and did the same. I felt that warmth and protection again.

"Ahh.. If your hugging session is over so can we also get a hug?" Jin oppa said with a smile. I smiled and hugged all the members. I invited them in and they all settled in my living room. "Nice house you got there Youngie" Namjoon said looking really impressed. 

"We wanted to spend our free time with our favorite girl so we bought food too!" J-Hope said and swung the bags in air. I laughed and nodded. They all put the food bags in the kitchen. I  started taking out the food.

Suddenly two arms were wrapped around my waist, I gasped at first but realized it was Jungkook. He placed his chin on my shoulder "I really missed you" He said. I smiled and nodded.

I turned around and looked at him. He looked weaker than before, he had black circles around his eyes and had the same bruises on his neck that he gets when he is exhausted. My heart ached at his state.

I frowned and touched the bruises. I looked into his eyes with worry. He smiled weakly and held my hand "Don't worry they will fade away real soon"

I sighed and grabbed my phone "How are you?" I typed."I am fine" He smiled at me with his bunny teeth.I was about to type more when I heard someone shout my name.

'Oh shit Aeri and Haera!' 

I quickly went outside and saw both of them on the top of staircase in their sleeping PJs with fluffy eyes."Youngie what's with the nosies?" Aeri yawned and rubbed her eyes. Both of them started coming down. 'Shit shit shit!'

"Youngie I am hungry! Make me som-" Haera said but stopped in mid of the sentence when she saw the living room was filled with idols.

Both girls jaws dropped on floor and their eyes popped out of their sockets. BTS only stared at the girls. Soon Taehyung broke the tension and said "Hey.." With an awkward box smile. Both girls greeted back awkwardly and soon Aeri ran out of the room. 

A faded shout echoed throughout the room "KIM TAEHYUNG SAID HEY TO ME! LORD JESUS I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" Haera glared at me and signaled me to come with her. "Ah excuse me" She said and dragged me out.

"KIM FUCKING SOYOUNG WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH B FUCKING TS!" Haera silently yelled at me. I bit my lowed lip and smiled weakly at her "It slipped out of my mind sorry.." I typed.

Aeri also joined in "IT SLIPPED OUT OF YOUR MIND! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!" I passed them a guilty smile. Both sighed. "I embarrassed myself in front of Taehyung, now he is gonna think I am weird" Aeri frowned.

"Come on lets go back" Haera sighed and rubbed her face. "But first lets look better! I look like a rotten potato!" Aeri said and we all nodded. Soon we all went back in the living room and found them playing my PS4. 

"Youngie your house is heaven!" J-Hope chirped happily. Jimin looked at us and smirked "Who are the pretty girls?". I rolled my eyes and nudged Aeri to do the introduction, but she was to busy blushing on Jimin's comment.

"W-We a-are S-Soyoung's c-cousins" Aeri stuttered out. "I-I a-am K-Kim A-Aeri" Aeri said as she was trembling. "A-And I am J-Jung Haera! N-Nice to meet you all!" Haera said with a small smile.

The boys smiled sweetly at girls. "You girls seem like our fans?" Jimin smirked.'Stupid Jimin and his smirk' "Y-Yeah we a-are ARMY" Aeri said shyly.Taehyung smiled at Aeri's cuteness and smiled warmly "Welcome"


Surprise lovelies! NEW UPDATE!  

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