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Jenna made a comment that was added to THE LIST . I think Jenna eats utensils, she's been chewing on a knife twice this week, and she wanted the spoon that was on the choir room floor .

Emily had a sandwich with three pieces of bread , it was huge I ate it Jenna is probably going to write about it in her story.

There are two guys dancing with each other,...... And they're strangling one another okay.

I ate cereal for a snack it was good. Quite a few compliments on my shirt, except for Jenna's THAT was a mistake.

I got into an argument with some guy about ant man and his powers. It was fun.

Would it be a problem if I ate cereal for dinner too?, eh whatever. I'm going to go watch some Stephen universe now


Here are some strange imojis 🌰🏵🎍

- Sophie

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