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Hey guys, 

I am still writting the last two chapters to The Love We Found and I'm currently writting the last and final chapter to The Streets Hold me. The Love We Found Will be updated on Tuesday for sure so be looking for it. The Streets Hold Me will be updated on Tuesday as well. 

I hope you guys enjoy the endings for both and I love you guys thanks for the votes and the reads. Im shocked my books got this far let alone you guys cared this much. I really appriciate you all. I will still be writting I have A Journey and I just wrote a new book called Beautiful Nightmare. So check those out and tell friends to read them too. 

I will also start editing my first three books, there will be no more sequels for them. Once they end they will be finished and thats my decsion, some of you have reached out and asked for a sequel, but I came to the conclusion to let them be. 

I really love you guys and thankyou again. I appriciate everything and I am so blessed and thankful for all you guys have done and until next time,

~Ery <3 

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