Chapter 1 - Reaching For The Stars

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The 2 year old baby had taught itself to walk, and had learned to talk like the passers on the streets. They said many bad words, and he learned them all, if there was a bad word out there he didn't know, well, that would be impossible, because Gene knew them all. He had a little necklace that hung below chest, written on it was the name 'Gene'. It was a lovely name. A lovely name indeed. Did Gene like it? No, he didn't, but he had to live with it, he could take it off and be given a new name, but he kept it, he kept it all his life. He had lived on the streets for 5 years, meaning he is now 6. He lived with random people for a year, they didn't even speak English, so Gene had ran away. He didn't know anything about them, and they didn't know anything about him. Have you ever heard of the word 'miracle'? Well that's exactly what Gene was, unless he was a wizard, magic doesn't exist, only knowledge. But enough on the past, now to the present.

Gene waddled over to a little house and reached to the large window, which had a small mint on the ledge. His little fingers curled around the wrapper allowing the sweet to slip into his palm, "Yes!" He cheered, popping the sweet into his mouth. He heard a small mumble of his name, his feet twisted, making him turn to see a woman in her 40's staring down at him. She had short red (ginger) hair flowing down to her shoulders, shining, emerald green eyes, pale, soft, white skin and the best of all, the brightest smile he had ever seen. She was a large woman. Not too large, but large. Her glasses sat on the top of her nose where the dip between her eyes lay, "Come on, Gene. Don't be so lonely." Her soft voice said.
"Who are you?" Gene asked.
"I'm Ezmerelda Enel-Dante. But, I'm hoping you could call me...Ezme." She replied letting out her hand, he placed his hand into hers and walked beside her until they arrived at the local bakery. Ezme was the owner of that bakery, so she was able to give Gene a chocolate croissant and a cold glass of milk. Ezme lived above the bakery, giving her easy access to anything at any time.
"I see you every morning, reaching for the mints that Mr and Mrs Golderson leave for you." She smiled sipping her coffee, "They leave them for me?" He asked taking a large bite out of the croissant.
"Mhm. They seen you reaching for a mint for the first time when you were only three. Cawh, I can't believe that was three years ago..." She sipped her coffee again.
"Mr and Mrs Golderson..." He mumbled, "I like them...They're nice." He replied, drinking half of his milk.
"They are nice. Indeed...Nice...I was their first adoption. Then there were twenty-four more they adopted after me. All one, two or maybe three and four at a time. Their house is very big on the inside. On the out, it looks small, but only because it's connected to two taller homes." Ezme sighed, "Twelve of the kids they adopted decided to stay in the village, if you included me it would be thirteen, their adults now, so...I guess I'm the eldest, young adult around here, if you know what I mean. They're in their eighty's now...Too old to adopt. They've inspired me...And I would like to ask you, would you like to be adopted by someone? That someone being me?" She asked.
"Inspiration is an important thing in life, so if you're one-hundred percent sure it was inspiration that wanted you to have the bravery for this, then yes. Yes I would." He replied with a slight smile.

Sorry for this chapter being longer than usual, I just really got into this story and hope you guys and like it as much as I enjoy writing it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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