oblivious - gallavich

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Ian and Mickey sat on the Milkovich's couch, both too tired to go do anything together. Best friends were supposed to take adventures everywhere or whatever, right? Well, as far as Mickey and Ian were planning on going today was to the kitchen to make pizza bagels in the oven while they watched Die Hard. That was about it.

They probably should've been celebrating the fact that both of them had graduated from high school two days ago, which neither of them thought they'd never achieve, but this was their preferred method; sitting on the couch and drinking beer while watching shitty movies together for pretty much the entire day.

"So, the fuck are you gonna do now that school is over? Can't get into too many fights at college, if you're going." Ian laughed at his best friend, tapping the edge of his cigarette over the tray before taking a drag.

Mickey scoffed and snatched the cigarette from Ian's hand, inhaling and exhaling the smoke before laughing for a second.

"What's so funny?" Ian questioned. "Bumming half a smoke off me is just that funny, huh?"

Mickey continued to laugh. "Nah man, it's just... I'm gay. I'm so fucking gay. It took awhile for me to say it out loud, or even to you, but man - I am so fucking queer. And I'm just really fycking anxiously waiting to get out of here, because what my dad feared came true. Who knows, maybe I was born gay just to fucking spite the asshole. Either way, this is me finally 'fuckin saying it; I'm gay, and you've gotta be okay with it because you're gay yourself and I'm pretty sure it'd be a violation of our pact we made when we were like ten."

"Holy shit, man." Ian raised his eyebrows, stealing back the cigarette from Mickey and taking the last drag before putting it out. "How'd you know? I mean, I know how I found out, but everyone's different."

"Honestly?" Mickey asked, somewhat rhetorically before continuing quickly, "I've always wanted to like, be fucked by a dude, but I convinced myself every other guy felt the same and shit. Not until like, last year I actually got a crush on a dude, still have it, and was like oh, shit."

"Hm. That's cool, man. Good for you. However, I dare you to thoroughly describe him." Ian challenged his best friend, curiousity getting the best of him.

"Only if you do it first." Mickey replied.

"Fine." Ian smiled, hands clasping together. Mickey's eyebrows raised, not expecting that reply. "Let's see, he's got these bright-ass blue eyes. They're like, like icicles in the middle of winter, you know? And he's really pale. Like, really fucking pale. I think paler than me. It's like snow, but with a kinda light brown hue to it, you feel? And his hair is this dark brown, almost black from afar. And it's always really messy when it's not gelled back. He wakes up with it in all goddamn directions, and it's hilarious, but really goddamn cute, too. He has a sorta pudgy body, but his skin is super fucking soft and it's nice when bodies aren't completely perfect or whatever, you know? I love it. His facial features are really striking, honestly. He's got these laugh lines from like, probably smoking a fucking pack a day every day since he was thirteen. But they're cute. I see 'em more as he laughs in his freetime and that's why they're so harsh. He has the best facial expressions, though. They're probably one of my favorite physical features of his. They're hilarious and he doesn't even recognize it, they're just so great. He's just so goddamn great. He doesn't recognize his own loyalty, either. I mean he acts like this big fucking tough guy, but i know he's actually a giant teddy bear inside. It's cute. He's cute."

Mickey felt himself get a bit jealous as Ian ranted on about this new guy. What was just that fucking irresistible about him? Mickey'd willingly fight him, probably. And he would win. He doesn't care how fucking tough this guy was, Mickey could take him. Ian said it himself, he's secretly a teddy bear. Of course though, he didn't say this out loud. He just nodded his head.

"It's your turn, Mick." Ian reminded him, smirking to himself.

"Oh, shit, that's right." Mickey blushed, cracking his knuckles. "Let's see, he has red hair. He's a redhead. Sometimes it's this toned down, reddish brown color, but other times it's all fiery and fucking wild and really majestic, honestly. He has freckles, too. A fucking ginger. His freckles are everywhere, all over his body, everywhere. It's amazing. They're like constellations but like, on his body. I'm not poetic but in a way I guess he's literally my universe? That's the cheesiest thing I've ever fucking said. But like, he's pretty muscular and shit too, works out a lot. He has abs, like who the fuck has abs around here from something other than running from some motherfucker they owe money to? Him, that's who. And he's got his problems, yanno. But I like him a whole fucking lot, so they're manageable. Nobody's perfect, and I admire that about him. He's basically what I find good in this world. It's kinda sad, knowing he'll probably never fucking like me back, being he's into someone else."

Ian bit his tongue, trying to refrain from saying what he really wanted to, but he couldn't. "That sounds an awful lot like me, you know." He spat out.

"Don't flatter yourself." Mickey replied, making the facial expression Ian knew was what he looked like when he was lying because of embarrassment.

"It is me, isn't it?" Ian smiled, scooting closer to Mickey and awaiting a reply.

"Fucking fine. Are you happy now, Prince Charming? It doesn't matter. You like someone else. The fuck is his name, anyway? I bet it's something stupid, like, like fucking Caleb. That sounds like a stuck-up name. Or Trevor. Or Ned. Or, shit, something really stupid sounding." Mickey pouted, grabbing his half-full can of beer from off the coffee table and chugging it.

"Mickey, you're so oblivious sometimes." Ian laughed, heart pounding in his chest.

"I am fucking not. Where'd you get that from?" Mickey replied, setting the now empty can back on the table. That was when Ian leaned forward, pressing his lips against his best friend's.

"His name is Mikhailo Aleksander Milkovich, you idiot."


this is so bad lmfao but i wrote it all in class s

also for lonelybees


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