New boy (Martin Garrix)

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Once again the house beside us had been up for sale and once again the person moving in seemed uninteresting, boring, plain, just simply futil. My mum, as she does everytime, was making my older brother, todd, and I go around and introduce ourselves and offer any help. "Jasmine can you hurry up!" Todd had been calling my name for about 20 minutes and yet I was still to drag myself from bed to the shower. 

30 minutes later, I was finally out of bed, done showering and had just finished drying my hair and applying some basic makeup, concealer, foundation, liquid eyeliner and mascara and finished with some gentle bronzer to attempt to make my cheekbones stand out. My hair naturally is waves so I just left it like that, after all we're only going next door to some old couples home. 

Todd and I walked across the grass and knocked on the new neighbours black door. There was no reply. "Todd just ring the damn doorbell, they probably can't hear you knocking" I huffed, Everything and anything was putting me into a bad mood today. "Fine, if you're so eager then why didn't you just ring it" He said reaching across to push the small grey button" I stayed silent. Staying quiet was the best way for us to avoid and arguement. The door slowly opened and an old man, about 60 opened with a warm smile on his face. "Hello there, what can I do for you?" he answered. "Actually, we're from next door, I'm Todd and this is my little sister Jasmine" I scowled at the word "little" I was 1 and a half years younger, yet he made it out as if I was 12, I was 17 and he had just turned 19. "Oh well why don't you come in, you can tell me about any gossip thats happened in the neighbourhood before we moved in" I said whilst we walked in through the door. We walked into the kitchen and sat around the table, when a small woman around a similar age to the man walked in through the door. "Oh Jim! You didn't tell me we had guests!" she said "I'm lesley, Jims wife" she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Todd and this is my little sister jasmine" he introdued in the same way, once again using "little". I just smiled at her and fiddled awkwardly with my hands. The phone went off and Jim excused himself to answer it. "How about I get you guys a tea or coffee? then we can have a proper chat?" she asked. "Coffee, please" I said eagerly. I needed a coffee more than anything right now, maybe it might improve my mood. "Oh okay, anything for you son?" she said nodding at Todd. "Could I have a coffee too please?" She nodded and started boiling the kettle. When Jim walked in, "That was David, he said he's done with Martijns behaviour, Lesley, he said it's getting to the point where he wants to put him on the streets" He said, I had only known Jim for a matter of minutes but these old people, were actually so sweet and welcoming that it actually pained me slightly to see him looking so sad, about someone I didn't even know. "Jim, both David and Elizabeth have tried with the boy, but maybe he just doesn't want the life they have planned for him. They need to let the boy choose whatever he wants to do in life" she said. Wow. If only my mum understood that, but no, she made me attend 2 years of college to get a degree which I will never intend of using. "I told them that Lesley but they look exhausted with him. So I said we could look after him for a bit" Jim replied. Lesley gave a small laugh, "Jim, what makes you think that boy will leave all his friends to come and live in Ireland, with his granny and grandad". "That's the thing Lesley, I may have told him, it would be like a holiday, so he's coming with his friend, Julian. You remember Julian? Martha and James' son, we used to babysit?" Jim replied, to be honest he looked happy about this guy, his grandson, Martijn's bahaviour, I suppose he just hasn't seen his grandson in a while though. "Ahh It'll be good to see young Julian again I suppose, when are they arriving?" She asked. "Tomorrow" Jim simply replied. "Oh no!! I need to get the house ready and unpacked, and the spare beds made! Jim theres so much to do!" she started freaking out, I thought they forgot Todd and I where there but then Lesley directed her question to us. "I don't mean to be a bother but would either of you be able to help us unpack and get ready, I just want the house to be even slightly ready for them coming" she smiled hopefully at us "Well I've got to go to work in half an hour" Todd started and as he said that I seen the small glimmer in Lesleys eyes leave. "We'll I no longer have a job so I guess you're stuck with me" I joked and like that the light, hopeful glimmer was back. " Oh, Dear Thank you so much!" she said hugging my shoulders. 

Todd left shortly after that and Jim started carrying boxes into the house, whilst me and Lesley unpacked them. About 4 hours later we finally had all of the kitchen unpacked, the living room was finished and Jim and Lesley's bedroom was done as were the bathrooms. So it was just the 2 spare bedrooms and utility room. I told Lesley I would do the 2 spare bedrooms while she done the utility room as she looked like she was about to pass out, i suppose the amount of work she's done today wouldn't be healthy for any 60 year old woman. Whilst I was putting sheets on the bed, I began thinking, what had this guy 'Martijn' or whatever his name was actually done to make his parents be so fed up with him.  

2hours later I had finally finished both rooms and returned down stairs to see Jim and Lesley sitting on the sofa talking, "That's both the rooms finished, I'm going to head home now, as it's getting late". I said. Both Jim and Lesley stood up to give me a hug goodbye, then Jim reached into his pocket and brought out a 20 pound note. Despite Jim offering probably more than 100 times, I couldn't and wouldn't take his money, All I done was unpack a few boxes and make a few beds, I would have been forced to do chores or something at my own home anyway.

I returned home, ate my dinner, answered 101 questions from my mum about the new neighbors, I swear, if she was so concerned about the new neighbors she could have went around to meet them with us. I just changed into pink pajama bottoms and an old baggy tshirt, then went into the bathroom and washed my makeup off and brushed my teeth. When I was finally done I got into bed then realised I didn't bring my phone home with me. Great. Just great. I checked the time on the clock. 12:05am. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to go around and get it back.


Sorry if this was really boring, Martin will be in the next chapter and I will try and upload it tomorrow if I haven't got too much work etc. Also, This story will include swearing so if you get offended by that sort of thing I would recommend not reading. I just made a new twitter so if you want to be updated on when I'll be updating or just want to chat you can follow me there, @50shadeofgarrix , if anyone wants to give me a shoutout, I will forever love you ahah:)  Also, just to clarify I'm making martins parents name up as I don't know their names or anything. so yeah! Comment/Vote/Share!! <3

ps. I'd imagine Sasha Pieterse as Jasmine and Paul wesley as Todd then Julian and martin as they are.  Also, If anyone knows how to make like a trailer for these (Or a cover photo) can you pleaase message me or comment below? Thank you

New boy (Martin Garrix)Where stories live. Discover now