Chapter 10

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 Sorry! for the lack of updates, it was my birthday on the 18th and I having a party and I literally couldnt find any time to sit down a write over the past week. Also, I have GCSE's coming up soon (GCSE's are like final exams at the end of 5th year, before 6th form or college if you don't have them where you're from) but I'll try and update as much as possible before I proper need to sit down and revise completly. 

Jasmines POV

Martin and I had spent the rest of the day just talking and watching stupid tv shows that neither of us had ever heard of. It was now 4pm and we were going out for dinner at 6 then meeting Julian and Kara at 9 to go to . "Martin?" I said, mumbling into his shirt, while leaning into his chest. "What?" He replied, looking down onto me. "Do you ever miss your home? In Amsterdam?" I questioned, my eyes meeting his. "When I first came here I did, but right now? no. I'm enjoying there being no bullshit stories about me every day or hanging around with random people who just want to be seen with 'Martin Garrix, the DJ/Producer". You know?" He said. I thought he would like all the attention he got, but I suppose everyone would get tired of it. I just nodded in response. Anyway, you should probably go home and get ready for our little 'Date' tonight" he said winking. That was the first time I had heard Martin call it a date and honestly? It made me so much more nervous, I stood up and headed towards the door "Bye!" I shouted to Martin as I left. 

I got home and done my makeup and got dressed into plain 'black disco pants material' leggings with a gold cami top with matching gold shoes. Adding my gold Fossil watch and necklace. I had spent over 30 minutes trying to find an outfit that was classy enough for a restaurant yet fun enough for a club. I grabbed my black clutch back and thrown in my purse, some makeup, my keys and my phone. I checked the time on my watch which read, 5:50pm; Martin would be here in 10 minutes. I decided to meet him outside instead of him knocking on my door, as it would just cause another scene with my parents which I would obviously like to avoid. I noticed a car pull up outside, so I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs. I got to the living room then was stopped by my dad's voice. "I hope you know after tonight, you're never going to see that boy again' He said as if it was an obvious thing. "Well then I hope you know after tonight you're not going to see me again... cause I'm going to live with Lesley and Jim" I said before letting the words process in my mind. I obviously wasn't going to go and live with Lesley and Jim but a little threat wouldn't hurt anyone. "Ha I'm not that lucky" He scoffed. "See! Why do you even care who I hang around with? Before yesterday you hadn't ever made an effort with me, even now you just treat me like shit! so why the fuck does it matter to you?" I pushed past before hearing an answer and walked across the grass to Martin's car. I was about to open the door when Martins hand gently slapped mine away and grabbed the handle "Jim gave me a lecture on how I should act tonight" He blushed. Martin Garrix actually blushed. 

The restaurant we went to was incredible! I had ordered the chicken Caesar salad while Martin ordered what was probably the biggest steak fillet burger I had ever seen in my life. We just chatted about everything in life, Martin even promised he would teach me some Dutch, which I was quite excited about. Even at school I enjoyed learning languages, I was one of the only subjects I done well in without putting a great load of effort into. After Martin and I argued for 5 minutes about the bill, Martin had won, once again and handed the money across to the man at the till. We were now on our way to the club to meet Julian and Kara, which to be honest I was more relaxed about.

We pulled up outside and seen Julian and Kara waiting for us at the front of the line, "Jasmine! Martin!" Julian shouted and waved over at us. I walked over and greeted both of them with a hug and exchanged compliments then we entered the club. Kara was dressed in a short black playsuit with sleeves with red lipstick and matching red shoes. She looked far better and more dressed than I did. I started to feel self conscious, I should have asked Martin to take me home so I could have changed into something more 'dressed up'.

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