Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up with a start. Feeling my body, I realize that I didn't wake up because of the pain or fire. If it wasn't that, then what did I wake up to?

Suddenly, a long howl fills the silence. Shivers run down my spine at the noise. The howl ends and another one starts up immediately. I am frozen as the howls continue. They don't seem to stop. I didn't know there were wolves this close. I guess it makes sense because we are surrounded by forest.

My thoughts are interrupted by another howl, though this one seems to be from right outside my window. I stop breathing. They seem so close.

Another howl, louder than the rest and also seems like it is right outside the house, sounds and the howls stop. I wait a couple minutes and there aren't any more. My breathing slowly starts returning.

I lay back down from my sitting position and look at the clock. It says that I still have four hours of sleep left. I try to close my eyes and relax, but they don't want to close.

Why are there wolves so close to the house? I know that there's a forest surrounding the house, but wouldn't the wolves know to stay away from people? Shivers again dart down my spine as I think of how close they actually were.

I stare at my clock, watching the numbers change. Eventually, my eyes start closing and I start relaxing. Before I realize it, I fall into sleep once again.

A loud beeping noise fills the air. I groan as I turn around to face my alarm clock. My arm feels heavy as I lift it, only to let it slam down on the snooze button. I turn back around with a sigh, only to hear my dad's shout to get up. I groan again.

"I'm up, promise." I yell back, hoping he will leave me alone now. True to my word, I sit up and stretch my arms up into the air. I turn and put my feet on the floor, stand up, and do a full body stretch.

About twenty minutes later, I stand in front of the mirror and observe myself. I look healthier than I was just a few days ago, and not only that, but I feel healthier. I smile at myself in the mirror.

I turn around and walk out of my room. I jog downstairs and walk into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple and my lunchbox from the fridge, I walk over to my backpack and put my lunchbox in it while taking a bite from the apple.

"Hey sweetie, ready to go?" Mom says as she comes into the kitchen.

"Yep." I respond cheerfully.

"Alright, here's the keys," she throws me the keys, "go start the car and I'll be out in a minute."

I nod my head and put my backpack over my shoulders. With the keys in my hand, I walk out into the garage and open the garage door.

As it opens, I notice a sleek, dark blue car, that I've never seen before, sitting across the street. I watch the car out of the corner of my eye as I unlock our car and get in. Once in, I adjust the mirror so I can watch the car. It's suspicious, just sitting there with no one getting our or getting in.

The door to the house opens and my mom comes out. She walks over to the drivers side and gets in.

"Why didn't you start the car?"

"I forgot, sorry," I say absentmindedly, "who's car is that?"

My mom glances in the mirror, "Probably the neighbors or their friend's. Does it matter?"

"No," I say quickly, "it's just, it's a nice car."

"Yeah, I guess." She responds and starts the car. We back out and pass the car and start driving towards the school. I watch the car grow smaller through the mirror.

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