Live Event

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Bellas POV
     When we made it to the covelli center there was a huge crowd. John wrapped his arm around my shoulders to insure we did not get separated. They made there way with me to the crowed and signed a few autographs. We went to turn around and someone yelled my name. I turned to see a little girl about 7 years old. She had ginger hair freckles and was wearing a light blue dress.
Lg: umm bella can i have your autograph.
B: you want my autograph?
Lg: yes please
B: umm sure
I took her note pad and pen.
B: what is your name sweetie.
Lg: ginny
I sighed her note pad and smiled as i wrote it out to her.
G: im an orphan to but maybe if you got good parents so can i.
I smiled at her.
B: i hope you do sweetie.
G: thanks bella
She ran back to the older lady and i went back to nikki and john. We went into the arena and they looked at me.
(Covos in this chapter: Bella is Be John is J Nikki is N Bree is Br Paige is P randy is R The rock is D and Samoa is S)
J: you ok Bella
Be: That was so ...... Exhilarating.
This caused nikki and John to burst out laughing. I raised and eyebrow at them. When they sobered up nikki spoke.
N: well at least we know she can handel the attention. 
I smiled at them and nodded.
J: ready to meet everyone
B: I think so.
J: ok Follow me
Nikki hooked her arm with mine.
N: Dont worry sweetie everyone will love you.
B: You sure about that?
N: Yup me and john new the second you walked in that we loved you.
J: hay dolph this is bella mine and Nikki's adopted daughter.
I smiled at him and shook his hand as we kept walking.
B: Wait so your saying you love me.
N: Yes of course we adopted you because we had a  connection with you. We knew you were the one the second you walked in.
J: bella this is eva eva this mine and Nikki's Adopted daughter.
I smiled at her and she crushed me into a hug.
We kept walking.
B: Really?
I felt tears well in my eyes as she said this.
N: oh sweetie dont cry.
B: Its just im not used to people saying this kind of stuff to me. The only person who has ever said they loved me was my best friend jaz. We have know each other since i was 8 and she 7.
N: I dont understand you've been adopted before.
B: yes but not for the right reasons. You adopted me because you want me to be your daughter. The others just wanted me because they wanted to use me in some way. When my usefulness ran out then returned me like i was a defective toy.
N: What do you mean by use you.
B: please dont make me talk about it.
N: ok i wont just know that if you ever want to talk about it. I will be here to listen ok.
B: Thanks Nikki
Nikki wiped a stray tear and we continued to make our way to the dressing room. We stopped a few times and i was introduced to a few more people as we made it to the dressing room that said the bellas on it.
N: ready to meet bree
I nodded and she opened the door. Blocking my view of bree.
N: bree
Br: oh Nikki where is she
Nikki motioned me inside.
Br: well your so beautiful.
I smiled at her and she smiled back.
Be: Hi im B Ba Bella
Br: well hello bella im bree
Be: i know
Br: oh so you were a fan
Be: yes and still am
N: you know this girl can bench 194 and she trains 5 times a week. She said she wants to be a Superstar.
Br: so your saying she can lift more than you and she trains more than nattie. Have you trained in the ring at all bella?
Be: Just a little i know the basics like running the ropes and stuff like that.
Br: well im sure we could help her get passed just running the ropes. Humm oh i have it paige is about her size she would be a good partner for her.
Be: wait paige as in the British ass kicker that paige.
N: paige is her favorite
Br: oh i see well wait here i will be back in a sec.
N: your gonna go get paige aren't you.
Br: yup
She said popping the p.
Be: im gonna get to meet the british ass kicker.
Nikki nodded and smiled at me.
I sat there waiting and i felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. Soon the door opened and in walked bree followed by paige. My heart stopped. What if she doesn't like me? What if she hates me?
P: hello love
She said in her british accent.
I opened my mouth to say hi but nothing came out. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but i just couldn't.
N: bella is a fan paige.
P: oh hunny dont be nervous your a part of the family now.
I looked at her and she smiled at me.
B: paige would you like to know why your my favorite diva?
P: sure.
B: i have always been called a freak because of the way i dressed. Mostly by the guys at the home. Most of them love the WWE. When you had your first match they went on and on about how hot they thought you were. Then they started to look from me to you on the screen. That was when they started to call me mini paige. That is when i realized that if you someone im alot like can make it in the WWE then maybe i could too.
P: awww that's so sweet you do kinda look like a mini me just different color hair.
N: Paige she wants to be a diva
P: Im in
N: great so project bellas dream is a go.
I let a giggle slip out.
N: wait hold up did i just hear giggle the girl does laugh.
This time i let out a full blown laugh. When i sobered up there was a knock on the door. Nikki answered it and in walked john.
J: ready to meet some more people.
B: yah
I stood up and walked over to john.
N: i have to get ready for the match you guys go i will join you later.
We began to walk and john broke the silence between us.
J: Mostly everyone is in catering right now so we can kill 2 birds with one stone. We can eat and you can meet some of the other superstars.
B: what do they have
J: i think its pizza today.
B: does the pizza have meat on it i said in an alarmed tone.
J: some does some with veggies and some just cheese. Why?
B: im a vegetarian.
We soon made it and they had my favorite kind of pizza mushroom. They also had some mac and cheese and french fries. I also got a salad. John led me to a table where Randy Freaking orton sitting there alone. John st next to him and he spoke up.
J: hay randy
R: hay john and who are you kiddo.
J: randy this is bella bella this is randy.
B: hi
I smiled at him. John also introduced me to a few small time people on the show nobody major though. When i was about halfway done with my food a person i could only dream of meeting walked up to us along with a boy slightly older than me. J: Hay Dwayne samoa how are you.
D: im good you
S: im good and who might this beautiful lady be John.
J: this is bella me and nikki adopted her.
S: well beautiful you can call me kia if you would like.
He gave me a stunning smile. He looked like some kind of god. His sun kissed skin and long black hair. The way his beautiful icy blue eyes shined with joy. The way his muscles bulged with even the slightest movement. I snapped myself out of eye raping the boy well man infront of me. I think he noticed because he smirked at me. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.
D: its nice to meet you sweetie.
I smiled at him i did not trust my voice right now. Why am i thinking about a guy like this. All men are the same. Then why do i feel like i can trust him.
S: so bella how um old are you.
B: i am um im 15 i will be 16 in 10 days thought.
S: june 19th.
B: yes
S: i just turned 17 on 25 of may.
J: Hay samoa think you could keep bella company. Me Nikki Bree Danial paige randy dean and carmella have a mixed 8 man tag match.
S: sure id love to
He said as he threw a smirk my way.
J:oh and samoa
John said getting up.
S: yes
J: dont be flirting with my little girl. I can make you feel pain you never thought was possible.
He gulped
S: yes sir
Wait a second did john just call me his little girl. Am i hearing things or did he just threaten samoa to protect me.
S: hello earth to bella
B: oh umm sorry
S: what is going on in that beautiful head of yours.
I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks as he said that.
B: i just think im hearing things.
S: what do you mean.
B: Did john just call me his little girl?
S: yes he did.
B: whats it like to have a dad?
S: well for a girl dads a very protective. They would do anything to keep them safe. Sometimes they can be annoying and try to run your life. They do that because they care and love you.
B: really
S: yah like at first my dad was not gonna let me even try to become a WWE superstar but with time he has been training me himself.
B: your gonna be a superstar
S: yup i have always wanted to.
B: Me to
S: really
B: yup i can bench 194 and and i train 5 days a week.
S: nice work lets head to the viewing room.
B: viewing room?
S: yah there is a tv and we can watch the match.
B: oh umm ok
we began to walk.
S: so what is your favorite color
B: blue whats yours
S: green what kind of music do you like.
B: i like all kinds but my favorite is country.
S: me to
He opened the door for me and i thanked him i took a seat on the couch and he sat next to me.
S: wanna play 20 questions.
B: sure
I smiled at him.
S: ok i will go first umm how old were you when you became an orphan.
B: 2 umm how come i never new that the rock had a son
S: He wanted to keep me out of the press. Are you a virgin.
My eyes widened.
B: i umm no
I said as tears welled in my eyes.
B: whats it like being rich.
S: um kinda cool was it your choice not to be.
B: no
It came out as a whisper i felt a tear roll down my face as i put my head down. His hand lifted my head up and he wiped the tear away.
S: im so sorry you had to go through that.
B: i have a fear of trusting men so why am i so comfortable telling you my whole life story.
S: i dont know i guess its just because im a nice person.
B: who have you met thats famous other than WWE superstars.
s: well vin and paul is about it oh and scarlet. Were you ever physically abused.
B: on many occasions. As in paul walker.
S: yup How many times were you you know
B: 7 are you a virgin
S: umm yes what hobbies do you have other than training.
B: i like to read and write and sing. Have you ever had a girlfriend.
S: yes one have you ever had a boyfriend
B: no never i think that is 20.
S: ehhh close enough.
I looked at the clock and realized we have been in here for about two hours. The door opened and nikki walked in with john.
N: hay bella ready to go we have to get moving to Cleveland.
I nodded.
B: it was nice talking samoa.
S: i told you call me kia
I smiled at him.
B: ok see you soon kia.
S: yes you will.
I walked to john and Nikki's car and we were heading to Cleveland. I soon fell asleep against the window dreaming of an amazing god like man.
Ok guys so here it is hope you like it tell me what you think. Comment and vote


Adopted by Nikki Bella and John CenaWhere stories live. Discover now