Chapter two: It isn't always easy

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Chapter two: It isn't always easy

Alex sat down the last box and turned to say good bye to his parents.

"Thanks for all your help today, is Nat down getting ET?" he asked taking off his jacket.

"Yes he should be up in a minute, keep an eye on him Alex, he has been acting strange all day" said Polly softly "It's probably just nerves or something"

Nat came in with ET and said his good byes and thanks to his parents, and sat down on the couch, he looked at Alex "how many boxes do we have to unpack?"

"Well including the stuff we bought for the place...30" he said with a heavy sigh "were gonna need help aren't we?" he stared at all the boxes in the living room area.

"Divide and conquer my brother, I'll set the beds up while you start hooking up the tv stuff" he got up off the couch and he and Alex moved the bedroom stuff into their bedrooms, then Alex left to leave Nat to it, he sat down on the mattress next to ET and got out his phone, he saw the new text from Kate "I cancelled because I wasn't sure after the last time we spoke face to face" Nat put down the phone ashamed because of what he said, he began putting the bed together and thought to himself as he did "why did I say that in the first place? She will never forgive me for it" he finished putting his bed together then grabbed his phone and went into Alex's room and put the bed together. 

He went into the livingromm where Alex had wrapped a bunch of cords together.

"Dude" Nat looked at him "what the hell are you doing? You were supposed to set it up, not cuddle with the cords"

"Oh sure laugh at me when you could be helping me" he said as ET attacked his face. Nat reached down and untangled his brother from the cords. After an hour of work they got the TV set up and ready to go. It was about two o'clock and Alex decided to order some pizza, while Alex was on the phone Nat took out his and answered Kate's text "It's fine, can you meet me at central tonight at 10? We need to have a talk" he set the phone down and Alex came over.

"Right pizza is ordered, you wanna move some of the furniture around?" as Alex said this Nat's phone went off, he quickly grab it and read the okay text message Kate had sent "little jumpy there Nat, everything okay?"  

Nat looked at his brother and told him what was going on, when he finished Alex just sat there silently for a few minutes thinking it over in his mind before he responded "Do you think this is a good idea? I mean she's probably still mad at what you did"

"I dot think it is actually, but I have to say I'm sorry to her" he said this while looking at his hands "she needs to know I didn't mean any of it"

"Well" began Alex "if you think so, it isn't always easy forgiving someone Nat, it might be a little more difficult then you think"

"I know...but I've got to try haven't I?" he said looking his brother in the eye, the door bell rang and Nat went to answer it, he came back with the pizza and he, and Alex ate their lunch and moved their desks and dressers into their bedrooms. Nat sat in his room afterwards and started going though boxes and putting his clothes away, he hoped he was doing the right thing.  

He opened another box thinking it was full of clothes but found the box of random stuff he had, he pulled out an empty photo frame and remembered the photo in his pocket. He pulled it out and smoothed it out and put it in the frame. He stuck it on his bed side under the lamp, he started thinking about that day the picture was taken, and hoping she showed up tonight so he could apologize to her, he got up and went to go take a shower and get ready for tonight, while he was in the shower he began running that day back though his mind. He had always loved her laugh and  that picture showed it like it was frozen in time.

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