Chapter Two

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Xander on the side >>>>

Xander Hale's POV

For the past three hours, I had done nothing but shuffle through paperwork and scroll through countless emails. It was all the same, boring pack stuff - the healer telling me we need more herbs, the warriors complaining that the younger wolves weren't arriving for training on time, but mostly my mother telling me of my need to find a mate. Those were the emails that frustrated me the most. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother to pieces, but she just didn't seem to understand that I knew I needed a mate, and I really did want to find my mate, it's just that I couldn't. 

I have tried many times to find my special one, only to come up empty handed, and every time that happened, days of pain and restlesness came to both myself and my wolf. At the memory of this, he let out a whimper.

'I know it's hard bud, we'll find her eventually.' I attempted to reassure him.

'And if we don't?'

'Don't speak like that, it will happen.' I hissed, partially annoyed at his negative attitude.

'But we're the only wolves left, if she's not in the pack, where will she b-'

'ENOUGH' I cut him off as my anger flared quickly.

My breaths were now rapid as I tried to calm myself. Seconds later, my office doors swung open to reveal none other than Jacob, my beta.

"Oh but of course you can come in Jacob, you don't need to ask" I remarked sarcastically.

"Ah well thank you Xander, I'll remember that next time" he winked. "Anyways, I just dropped by to tell you that we're going out".

"I can't go out now Jacob, besides, I'm not in the mood"

"Not in the mood for...Costa?" He grinned whilst wiggling his eyebrows. 

Agh, how could I resist? Besides, I really fucking love Costa.

"Fine" I muttered, trying my hardest not to show Jacob how excited I was - who was doing exactly the opposite as he jumped around the office fist pumping the air. 

I strolled through the office doors and out to the garage, Jacob following. When we got there, I quickly decided on taking the black Hummer, one of my favourites. After strapping in, I waited for Jacob to do the same, then pulled pressed the button to raise the garage door and continued out onto the driveway. Costa was 20 minutes away, I just had to get off of the property and into town.

"Sooooooo, what got you so wound up that I could hear your breathing from Jupiter?"

"It's nothing Jacob"

"Xander, I've known you your whole life, I know you're lying, in fact, even if I couln't hear your heartbeat rise as you said that, I would still know."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. There was no escaping Jacob. "Fine, whatever" I blew out. "I'm just sick of being mateless, yanno?" My voice quivered slightly at the end. Coming out with this stuff was tough, I'm not one to share my thoughts, especially the emotional ones. 

"Oh Hale, she'll come eventually, you know that! It's not like she's never going to appear, and when she does, she'll be worth the wait. And who knows, maybe she'll have a hot sister that'll end up being my mate, then we'd really be brothers, eh?" Jacob's voice was cracking at the last part. What he'd said earlier was true: he had know me his own life, and I him.

Our parents had been childhood friends, so when we were born, it was obvious we would grow up together. As soon as we could talk, we promised we'd be best friends for ever. When we first got to nursery, we cried until we were put into the same class. And as soon as we got into middle school, we promised it was bros before hoes. 

We'd arrived at Costa, so I quickly parked up outside.

"Jacob, you'll always be my brother, blood or not, mate or not. You know that. Now go get me a hot chocolate. With cream. And marshmallows." I ordered, lightening the mood slightly.

Jacob chuckled as he climbed out of the car, and I waited patiently for my precious hot chocolate to arrive. 

Five minutes later, Jacob entered the car clutching two cups, I could smell his favourite, caramel latte, along with mine, hot chocolate complete with cream and marshmallows. But that wasn't the only thing I smelt. Something lingered on Jacob, something gorgeous. It was like cocoa and cinnamon, spicy smells that leeked flavour, but they were accompinied by the sweet smell of honey and whipped cream. It was heavenly, and addictive, I needed, no, craved more if it. My heartbeat was racing as a panic came over me, my wolf paced restlessly in my head, whining, grunting and howling as he tried to recognise the delicious scent.

"Dude...are you okay?" Jacob rose an eyebrow as he gave me an awkward glance, clearly worried.

"That smell" I grunted. "Where did you get it??" My voice sounded pained, strained and agitated.

"I uh, what smell?"

I sighed in frustration, and looked him dead in the eye. "The smell honey, cinnamon, cocoa and cream. Like the smell of heaven" And that's when it hit me. "Like the smell of my mate." I whispered as a grin spread across my face.

"Holy shit dude, it must have been the girl that served me in there!! Oh my fucking gosh man, she's awesome!!"

"MINE" I growled instantly, but Jacob just rolled his eyes as he ignored me. "I should go back in there, I need to see her." I wondered aloud, but Jacob shook his head.

"That's not a good idea-" I cut him off with a low, warning growl. "Stop your growling and let me finish, jerk. What I mean is, if you just storm in there and grab her, there'll be all sorts of problems. Wait until she finishes, it's twenty to six now, she'll be done soon."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. So I sat with him and drank my hot chocolate, after eating the marshmallows and licking up the cream, as I waited for the last twenty minutes for her to finish. 

Soon enough, she exited the cafe and my heart skipped a beat. She was more gorgeous than I ever could've imagined. Her long, flowing brunette locks hung low at her mid back, it looked smooth and soft, I couldn't wait to nestle my face in it as we slept after a long session of amazing, mindblowing sex, and to that my wolf yipped in agreement. Speaking of sex, she had a perfect curvy figure, with a beautiful ass and what looked like nice, full breasts. From wear I was sat, I couldn't see her face, but I knew it would be devine. 

I whimpered longingly as she walked off, over to what looked like a bike. As she hopped on, I started the car and followed her home, but not obviously, I didn't want to raise suspicion. When she got home, I made a mental note of her address, then drove off when I saw her close the door.

Jacob said nothing as I sped towards the pack house, clearly understanding my urgency to think things through. As soon as we entered the garage, I barked an order for him to round up the warriors and prepare them for a midnight raid.

Get ready little mate, I'm coming for you.


hope you liked it :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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