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Hey guys! Gwen here. You'll find that this story ends a bit differently to most of the others on Wattpad. Anyway; sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

I’m standing in front of their house; thinking incredibly negative thoughts. If my thoughts where sharp; and I was like incredibly good at throwing I would aim these thoughts at my parents; and hope I at least caused them a paper cut. It’s raining; surprisingly. And only when I look down I realised I’m soaked from head to toe. Marvellous.  I run a hand through my limp brown hair and scowl – what a way to make a first impression. The house in front of me is large and big; and despite the new coat of paint and neatly trimmed garden it looks vaguely run down. I wave to the taxi driver; handing him the appropriate amount of cash and a couple of coins for his tip before slowly, but surely making my way towards the house. At every movement my shoes squish; causing me to wince at the sound. Wow; Mum and Dad! England is just LOVELY, I can imagine writing to them; It shines ALL DAY. No rain; None at all! 

Of course it only makes sense that they’d drop me off at the house of a family friend that hasn’t seen me in years. [ But apparently I used to dance about naked with one of their sons. Lovely. ] The last time our families even caught up I was five; with curly hair and a missing front tooth. Apparently Elijah pulled down my pants within two minutes of us meeting; and I spent the whole rest of the time crying. According to Mum and Dad; Veronica and Marvin have five sons and one daughter. I guess they must of really like each other, huh? Still; I looked at the big house doubtfully. It didn’t look like it could hold ten people.

One; Two; Three steps and suddenly I was there. On their front doorstep. I reached up to press the button and heard a faint echo of the sound as it bounced around the house. Five minutes passed. I did it again; the sound no longer reassuring me but getting on my nerves. So I settled down on their doormat; my luggage at my feet as I waited for the family to return from wherever they happened to be. Thirty minutes later a car pulled up and a couple of kids; all about the age of six jumped out.. stopping with surprise when they saw me. 

“Charlie; who’s that?”

“Who’s who?”

“The girl sitting on your front porch.”

“I dunno. Probably one of Ronan’s doctors.”

Another car door slammed and a rather small women came out of one of the doors; re-adjusting her glasses. She froze when she saw me; a happy smile spreading across her face. “LOLA?!” She says rather loudly; rushing towards me and making no effort to stay out of the rain. She doesn’t seem to notice it. I sit up; yeah.. Lola had been what I’d called myself when I was younger. Lola the queen of rainbows; more like. But that wasn’t something I needed to share. I stood up; wiping some of the dirt off my jeans. 

“Oh! Lola!” She says; moving forward and giving me a gentle hug; she moves away quickly – sensing my hesitation. “You’ve grown up so much. Although those pudgy cheeks are still there.” And she doesn’t think twice before squeezing them. The boys; that have now gathered around her. “M-um!” Says the one who I assume is Charlie; tugging on her skirt. “Can we go inside now? Damien’s got this new game he wants to show us.”

 She nods; taking a rather old key from her pocket; the type you would see in an old-fashioned movie. Thick; slightly grey-ish with an intricate handle. I wonder if she knows how beautiful I think it is. She turns the lock and the door swings open; the young boys immediately running forward. I hesitate; and Veronica gives me a gentle push forward. “Now, your room is up the stairs and on the second room to the right.” She gestures at large staircase that I can just make out, from the corner of my eye. I walk slowly up the staircase; looking at the photographs that frame the walls. Second room to the right; I think again as I near the end of the stairwell. I wonder what’s the first to the right? I turn and suddenly am face-to-face  with another girl; who must be about the same age as me. This must be Veronica and Marvin’s daughter, I think. Although she doesn’t look like either of them. 

Lola and The Heston BoysWhere stories live. Discover now