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We’re all sitting around the table – noise seems to come at me from all corners. Elijah is arguing very vividly with Charlie about something I can’t quite make out; Torrance and Marvin are having a discussion on whether or not the effect of the Russians in World War Two made a difference. Eden was singing something along the lines of ‘I love you, you love me. Let’s go kill a family. Maybe one. Maybe two let’s see how we feel. I love you and we love KILL.’ And Veronica was trying to settle the fight between Elijah and Charlie. I couldn’t help wondering if most dinners where like this. At home Mum and Dad would be working non-stop; so I’d normally just order out. Here there’s so much noise that we almost don’t hear the doorbell. Almost. Charlie’s the first to react; running as fast as his little legs can carry him.

“RONAN’S HERE! RONAN’S HERE! RONAN’S HERE!” He chant’s jumping up and down; as he unlocks the door. It opens to reveal another boy; with streaks of brown in his blonde hair. He’s quite tall; it seems that he’s inherited his father’s genes. He shakes his hat; and droplets of water fall from it and land on the fall.  He beams; scooping Charlie up into his arms and tickles the younger boy’s stomach. Charlie laughs; curling his fingers around his older brother’s neck. Ronan walks towards the table and sits down; gently taking Charlie off him.

“Ooh! I do love fish fingers.” He leans over to Veronica to kiss her cheek. “Hello Mum! Hey Dad!” His eyes fall on me and raises his eyebrow a bit. “And you must be Lola.”

“Well.” I begin; about to explain that my name in fact wasn’t Lola, but Elijah interrupts.

“I thought she’d be blonde. Pity.”

Eden thumps the table with her fist. “So did I!” Ronan only notices her then; and I catch a slightly guilty expression on his face before it breaks out into a smile. 


She doesn’t glance up from her fish fingers; but her fingers which are holding the spoon twitch slightly. Other than that, nothing in her expression changes. An awkward silence falls about the dinner table for a few moments before Torrance clears his throat.

“So. How’s Uni?”

Ronan looks at his brother with relief. He talks more quickly now; as if aware of the awkwardness and seeking to remove it from memory. “Oh! It’s lovely. Just great. Uh – I’m living in a dorm with a couple of other students. I’ve got a girlfriend.” At this Veronica squeals; clapping her hands. “Her name’s Gretel. And no; before you ask she does not have a brother called Hansel. Err.. yeah. Other than that there’s really nothing more to report.” He nods; taking a bite of his dinner.

“Ronan’s got a tattoo.” Charlie says suddenly; causing a ripple of reactions – Ronan’s spoon drops from his grip and back onto his plate; making the food jump. A laugh escapes Elijah’s lips and Marvin’s eyebrows shoot up so far that they almost disappear. 

What?” Veronica asks shrilly. “What did you just say?”

Charlie grabs Ronan’s arm and rips his sleeve down suddenly so that it’s shown to all of us. It’s the word Cecily written in swirly; black ink. All the blood from Veronica’s face drains. No one says anything. Not even Eden, but she stands up and makes her way outside. No one notices.

And then Ronan takes his arm out of Charlie’s face carelessly and quickly; accidentally hitting the younger boy in the face. Charlie bursts into tears; and Marvin slowly rises from his chair. “Ronan!”

“I know. I know.” He reaches forward and takes Charlie into his arms; trying to reassure the other boy. “I’m sorry. I just –“

Veronica rises from her chair to and walks in front of Marvin, crossing her arms. “We talked about this.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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