chapter one: 0 views

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"Okay, Nicole. All you need to do is click 'post' and your world will be turned upside down."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what you're thinking. This is someone's basicstory of failed fame on social media. But that's not exactly what happened. I just posted something and I got famous. Okay, minus the failing, that's exactly what happened. But I can't say that I loved all of it. The first few months were hard. But then it got better, and that's the story I'm going to share with you guys.

So one day I was listening to my favorite song, "Blue Lips" by Regina Spektor, and I started singing along. I was on the bus and I wasn't paying attention. Embarrassing! But that experience got me where I am now. I always sit in the front right by the driver, who's my cousin, and one day he heard my singing. My stop is the last stop, and there was no one else in the bus. I started singing, and the driver heard and took a video. At my stop, he told me that I had a beautiful and if it was okay that he took a video. I said sure, but I had no idea that he would post it. A week later, all of his bus driver friends had seen it, and I was a subway celebrity. They even added a backing track to it and played it over the bus speakers. That's how I became comfortable with singing in public. I mean, if a whole bus network has seen your video and heard your voice, what's a whole world?

About a week after that, I went to my friend Ally's dad's recording studio with Ally. I recorded the song that I had sang on the subway and first sent it to that bus driver. Ally had pulled a few strings and got me rights to make a cover, so I debated uploading it to iTunes or not. I decided not to, but Ally did tell me to post it on my social medias.

"Okay, Nicole, all you need to do is click 'post' and your world will be turned upside down."

Little did I know that she was right.

The next morning, a local news truck was at my doorstep talking to my mom.

"Good morning, Nicole," my mom smiled weirdly and overly positive, "this news truck would like to interview you!"
She gave me a look that said that this was not an option.

Oh yeah. Happy 14th birthday to me.

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