I Passed!?

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"Uunng, shut up you stupid alarm clock!" I said as I lazily reached over and turn it off.

I start to fall back to sleep, but suddenly my door flies open.

"Ash! What are you still doing in bed!? Get up or you're going to be late!" My mom said angrily.

"Uuuhhg alright I'm getting up, sheesh!" I said dragging myself out of bed.

My name is Ashton Ketchum, but you can just call me Ash, everyone else does. I'm 14 years old and I am from Pallet Town, Kanto. Today is a very important day, today is the day I take my high school entrance exam.

I know what you're probably thinking, "Ash, do you need to take an entrance exam to go to high school?", and the answer is no, at least not for a public high school like I WANTED to go to. However, that all changed on the last day of 8th grade...


On the last day of class, all of the 8th graders were given a booklet filled with different high schools for us to choose from. We had until the end of the day to decide. I flipped through the first few pages of it, which was the public school section. On the 4th page was Pallet high, which was only about a mile from where I lived.

'I think I'll just go here, I'm sure that's what most of my friends will do anyway.' I thought.

When lunch came around, my friends and I all sat down to discuss our choices.

"So Ashy-boy, which high school are ya thinking about going too? Asked my best friend Gary.

"Yeah, I'm probably just going to go to the local high school." I said.

"Yeah same here." Said another friend of mine Tracey.

"What about you Gary?" I asked.

He smirked.

"Well, I think I'm going to go to reach a little bit higher than that." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I took a drink of water.

"I'm going to enter the Kalos National Academy!" He said confidently as he pointed to the picture in the booklet.

I spit out my water.

"The K.N.A.!? Dude there's no way you'll be able to get in there!" I said.

"Yeah they only accept the smartest of students, and I hear that the have a super hard entrance exam and you have to make at least an 80 on it to pass!" Said Tracey.

"You guys must be forgetting who you're talking to, I'm Gary Freaking Oak! I'm not scared of some silly exam, I bet I could pass it easily." Said Gary.

"Riiight, I'm sure you could Gary." I said sarcastically.

"What's that Ashy-boy, are you doubting my genius?" Said Gary.

"What genius?" I replied.

"OOOOOOH!" Said some of the others sitting nearby.

Gary's forehead twitched.

"Alright Ash, if that's how you wanna be, then I challenge you to a test off! We will both take the entrance exam, and whoever makes the lowest grade loses!" Gary said pointing at me.

I thought about it for just a second.

'A chance to one-up Gary? How could I say no! Besides, there's no way either of us are gonna pass it.' I thought.

"You're on, but don't expect me to go easy on you." I said with a smirk.

"Ditto." Said Gary.

Then we shook hands.

(End of Flashback)

So yeah, that's my predicament right now.

"Ash, let's go!" My mom yelled as she honked the horn of her car.

"Coming!" I said.

After I got to the school, I went into the testing room. It was only me and Gary. He smirked when he saw me come in.

"You're going down Ashy-boy." He whispered.

"We'll see about that!" I replied.

I took a seat a row behind Gary, and waited. A few minutes later, the teacher passed out our tests, and told us to begin. I looked at the test, and my brain began to fry, and judging by the looks of things so did Gary's.

'Thank God these are all multiple choice.' I thought.

I glanced up at Gary and noticed that he was moving his pencil pretty quickly, then it occurred to me.

He's just guessing on all of the answers!

'So much for being a genius. But, you know what, that's not a bad idea.' I thought to myself.

I knew that there was no way I would be able to answer these, so I followed suit. After an hour, we turned in our exams and started walking home.

"So Gary, how do you think you did?" I asked.

"Better than you Ashy-boy!" He said.

I just rolled my eyes.

"We'll see about that Gary, we shall see." I said with a smirk.

(Two weeks later)

I was lying in bed playing a game on my 3DS when I heard my phone ring. I looked and it was Gary. I answered it.

"Hey bro what's up?" I said.

"Guess who just got his results!" He said.

"Oh sweet, what did you make?" I asked.

"Dunno, I haven't looked yet. Have gotten yours yet?" He asked.

"I haven't checked the mail yet, hang on." I said.

I hopped out of bed and went out to my mailbox. I opened it up and there was a fancy ivory colored envelope with the K.N.A. seal on it.

"Yep I got it." I said to Gary.

"Nice, hey is it alright if I come down, I wanna see your face when I win." He said.

I chuckled

"Sure Gary, I'll see in a few." I said and hung up.

I walked inside and sat at the kitchen table, staring at the envelope.

'Oh man, I probably made a zero on this thing.' I thought.

About 5 minutes later I hear Gary knocking on the door. I know it was him because he knocks in a very obnoxious way, he keeps knocking until someone opens the door. I open it up.

"Ready to taste defeat Ashy-boy?" He said with a smirk.

"No, I much prefer the taste of victory." I replied.

We both sat at the table with our envelopes.

"So who's going first?" Gary asked.

"Well, since you're so confident you go first." I said.

"Alright then, don't mind if I do." He said.

Gary opened up the envelope and when he looked at his graded test, he chuckled as if he already won.

"So, how'd you do?" I asked.

"A 38! Take that Ashy-boy!" He said triumphantly.

"Wow that's actually a lot better than I thought you'd get." I said a little surprised.

"Me too to be honest." He said.

We both had a quick laugh.

"Alright, I guess it's my turn then." I said.

I open my envelope and close my eyes tightly as I pull out my test. I open one eye slowly, and my jaw dropped.

"N-n-no way!" I yelled.

"What is it, what did you make!?" Gary said as he came around to see my grade.

"NO WAY, AN 81!?" He yelled.

I was still frozen. This is insane.

"I PASSED!!?!"

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