Another stranger

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Hours past, and the night blankets land in darkness. Only the candlelights of the fortress glows. A council of elderly and older members of The Black Hand gathers in the hall. Shael' with Riada beside him awaits for the council to start. The council is unhappy and annoyied.

"We the council of The Black Hand is disturbed about this rumor of this girl being here," The choosen speaker declares, "not only that, a witch has come to our lands creating chaos among our ranks." Riada is terrorfied and wants to run. "Even worse that you considering to take this girl as your apprentice!" The old warrior steps out from the group and stands next to them. "Are you on their side Nerri' tus," The speaker questions. "I am! But not without reason," The old warior calls back. "We all know the stories and rumors that we are told. Lets ask the one who been through it all," Nerri' tus explains.

"It is embarrasing to her family, her village, everyone. That she broke the traditions we placed for generations to appease the code that is set since the beginining of The Black Hand. How is this stranger going to change that," The speaker narrorates. The council stood still. The speaker thinks that the discussion is about to be over.

"It was not there when I was in the group!" That statement echoes in the halls. The council does not know where that comes from. Riada is surprised as well. "Do you really belive that fool mouthed apprentice of Morrat so many years ago? I am so ashamed of The Black hand. Thinking that Alto really betray the group for her own agenda." The members of the council whispers and curses at the voice. "Has my absence dumbfounded the lot of you? Did Morrat's last will not reach to you?" The members is panicking and try to find the source of the voice.

"Where are you," The speaker asks in horror. Nicole appears behind them in anger. "HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR SENSE! The skills and the knowledge that is past down to you," she yells. "Maybe I was wrong from the start when Morrat asked me to join all those years ago." That last sentence gave a member a heart attack. Before the speaker replies, Nicole changes herself to what she used to be. The only difference though is the length of hair and condition of the armor. "Who are you," the speaker screams as he falls back. "I am ALTO!," Nicole replies with echoing boom. Every member except for Shael' and Nerri'tus is in shock.

"Female warriors are not unheard of during those days. Morrat asked me personally to join,"Nicole explains. "Y-y-yes, we know but times have changed," the speaker said,"The loss of so many have change that. Many villages do not want see their daughters to die. So it is changed by the wise Grommere." Nicole remember him. His green eyes and his indifference in battle. To change that much, Nicole knows that he might not have a choice. "Still Morrat's last will: Is that anyone who is willing should join. Even ones who were once enemies," Nicole sadly recite. She remembers those words in precise details. "His... will is no longer be in fruition to The Black Hand..."

"Riada! Do you still want to join The Black Hand," Nicole announces in front of everyone, "if so, I wish you luck. I am allowing her to take my place among The Black Hand" This is no longer what Riada wants. Nicole raises her arm and looks at Riada. "And then what," Riada yells to her, "You'll leave me here?" Nicole is startled. "Not alone! she is not," said a familar female voice. Nicole looks at the spear man. And they both opens the gateway to another world. A harsh cold force of wind and snow pours out from the gateway. The spear man with the feminate voice speaks, "Riada follow her in! I'll hold the gateway." Nicole smiles. "Sister! Keep an eye on her please!" She and Riada steps into the gateway into the other world. Shael' thinking for a moment, rushes in after. The gateway closes behind him.

At the other side, Nicole changes her appearance once again to a brown haired lady in a strange, primal outift of furs and teeth. The land is almost bare and covered in snow. Only the mountians and specks of trees downhill, is seen in the area. Riada is feeling cold for the first time. She shivers. Shael' picks her up and said, "What now?" Nicole leads them to an encampment behind some ice and snow. There at the encampment is a roaring fire that is taller than any of them. Shael' wonders what is she and how she find this place? Then a thunderous sounds of an earthquake draws all of their attention. Logs that is the size of hugh boulders lay down near the fire. And next to it is an enourmous red being wearing furs and wrapped with leather straps. His large eyes rest on the three of them. He smiles and proclaim, "Nicole! you are back my friend!"

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