Smiley//Smackle and Riley

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Riley's POV

All 6 of us were hanging out at Topanga's and I stared at Smackle and Farkle having a boyfriend-girlfriend moment. I sighed louder than I meant to. "Riley are you okay?" Maya asked who was sitting next to me. "I'm fine." I lied. "Just tired." I guess I should probably explain why I am so upset to see Farkle and Smackle together. Well, you're probably expecting me to tell you that I realized that I liked Farkle. When, in reality, I'm in love with the other genius. Yup, I am in love with Isadora Smackle, one of my best friend's girlfriends. It took me awhile to realize my feelings for her. At first it was just me hugging her even though she would never hug back to help her feel more comfortable. But then one day, I don't even remember what I was hugging her for, she hugged back. In that moment, I felt so many sparks and so much magic that at first I thought was just pride in Smackle comfortably hugging back. But later I started thinking about it over and over again. Everyone knew I was bisexual, that I found out long before that hug when I had a short lived crush on Sarah in 6th grade. But I just I kept thinking it was impossible that I liked Smackle. I could never do that to Farkle. However, later I realized my crush on her was inevitable. I am in love with Isadora Smackle and there is nothing I can do about it. "RILEY!" Maya yelled. I awakened from my trance. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem spacier than usual." I shook my head and looked down. I glanced up at Smackle who was staring at me with concern but still was holding Farkle's hand while he had is arm wrapped around her neck. I started to tear up so I ran out of the rest restaurant. I was surprised to see Smackle walk out after a few minutes passed. "What do you want?" I accidentally snapped. Smackle was slightly taken aback which made me feel guilty. "I'm sorry I just-" She shook her head. "It's okay, I came out here because you seem sad, I thought maybe I could provide some comfort." "Smackle, at this point your presence brings me the opposite of comfort." She looked confused. "Why?" I smiled slightly at how adorable she was before going on. "Well, usually people who are upset don't want to be around the ones making them upset." This made Smackle frown. "How am I making you upset?" I looked into her very concerned eyes. "I can't tell you." Smackle tilted her head to the side and sat beside me. She grabbed my hand. I loved the feeling. "Riley, we may have only been friends for a couple years but you can tell me anything." I looked down. "Smackle, this is really hard for me but if you really want to know..." I looked up at her and took a deep breathe. "I love you. I know you're with Farkle and it would be unfair to date you and it's not like you'd even reciprocate my feelings I just-" Smackle cut me off. "Riley, you want to know why it took me a few minutes to get out here?" I nodded, curious as to what she would say. "When you walked out I realized how concerned I was and how much passion and warmth I feel when I am around you and I realized that the feeling I feel around you is something I have never really felt before. I say that Farkle taught me how to love because I assumed my feelings were love with him and that that was what was happening. Farkle taught me how to be friends. You, Riley, taught me how to love. I broke up with Farkle, he said he understood and wanted me to be with whoever I wanted. I didn't mention you though, that should be a surprise. What I am saying is, I love you too Riley." I lit up at her words. "Smackle, have you ever kissed anyone?" She shook her head. "I could barely hug Farkle let alone kiss him." I breathed in heavily. "Do you mind if I-" Smackle shook her head, indicating that she was allowing me to kiss her. So, I pressed my lips against hers feeling absolute magic and passion. As I released we were both smiling like crazy. "I actually... loved that. Thank you Riley. So does this mean we are...?" Smackle asked, leaving out the last word nervously. "If you want to be." Smackle smiled and declared. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." We were both still smiling like crazy as we grabbed each other's hands and walked back into Topanga's. "I see that conversation fixed you all up." Maya claimed. I stood up tall and held up Smackle and I's hands. "Meet my girlfriend, Smackle." I announced dropping our hands and looking lovingly at my new girlfriend. Everyone in the room seemed genuinely happy for us, including Farkle. "Farkle taught me to be friends, Riley taught me how to love." Smackle expanded. This time Smackle and I sat right next to each other, acting all coupley. Smackle and I seem to smile a lot now that we're girlfriends. Then again, if you combine our names, you get Smiley.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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