Wait? Two Lives

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Wait? Two Lives?

By, Carrie Quinn

Just about 14 years ago my life was different than anyone else's. Yes, I know I am 12, but that is my life in a human form. But, things were a little different than you think, and no I am not wording this wrong, why would I do that anyway? But, I feel like I am forgetting something, ugh, why do I always forget the introductions, sorry. As you know now I am a 12 year old girl, in my human form, but what you didn't know is my name, it is Aya Miau. Lots of people mispronounce my first and last name so if you split my first name into A-ya the A is a long A. In Miau, the u is a long u. Now that you know me a bit better, let me take you on a time travel.

13 years ago, well almost 14 I was born into the most magnificent, and superstitious to you, family. All six of us were born at the same time. After two weeks of being trapped in a world of darkness and danger, that is when you try to walk, After being trapped hopelessly in darkness, I was slowly, and gradually released into the world of light and brightness. As the new world of light unfolded before my eyes, I got to meet my mother, she was the most beautiful cat in the entire world. She was a calico, and I realized that I was too. As I finally had the chance to see myself I realized that my silky soft fur had little orange specks all over my back, but I had more black than orange or even white. I had a rather hard time trying to find the white on me. I mean I was chasing my tail for 45 minutes, trying to find where it was. Furthermore, I also noticed that none of my other siblings were calico, was that the reason why I was favorited? Well back to the subject. Me, my lovely mother, and my mean and despicable siblings lived the large and abundant space of the shed, but we were trapped in a stall, as the humans called this huge space. Which I think it was more so for our safety, than to be a torture chamber as my weird siblings thought.

"Peck Peck." The annoying, and messy chickens, woke me from my sleep again, little may you know about a cat's tongue, but I will tell you chicken from a can of Friskies, tastes a lot like the chickens on the other side of the wall, don't ask. Well, I might as well tell you, okay, one day the humans that feed us the Friskies were down here, and doing something, I think they called it butchering? One very nice lady, who obviously prefers cats over dogs, kept giving us lots and lots of scraps, until our bellies were aching. The reason I said that she prefers cats over dogs is because, the dogs were whining for some of the scraps, but she never gave some to them, I actually felt a little sympathetic, just a little. Now, I remember that day as the most magnificent day ever, sad for the dogs of course, but it also gave me extra confidence that my murder plan for the extra feathery chicken on the other side of the wall, might surprisingly work.

Growing up as a kitten is not an easy thing let me tell you. The easiest thing is eating and sleeping for 15 hours, that is when the human is gone. But there is one impossible thing to be able to do as a kitten, and that is to capture the little red dot, that goes everywhere. One day I found that disrespectful thing on my paw, and when I tried to capture it with my free paw, the mischievous thing transferred over onto my once free paw. Can you believe that? Also, I was the one who set the new record for jumping. My score was 4 ½ feet up in the air. Later that day I was prancing around and celebrating, until my greedy and selfish brother tackled, me and bit me. That is completely outrageous! Even though I still won that little match, I also became known as the "Tough Kitteness" in my family, and Kitteness is like a goddess but a kitten.

With skills in my paws it was becoming time for me to head out and start hunting, and bring food back reluctantly to my siblings, but for some odd reason, there was never enough for them. Everyday, that my siblings were not hunting, me and my adoring mother had feasts. Even though I still play with the cat toys, I still find the time to pick on my despicable siblings. I still love challenging them to a dual. Even though we think that is so kittenish (we are only 7 months old). Also, at the 7 month age mark, that is when you are allowed to experiment with catnip.

As my mind was whirling and twirling, I was thinking about what I should go for, for an education. Medium and Small Animal Hunting, or if I should go and start my teaching career. I think it was pretty obvious what I chose. Besides, I needed more ideas added to my blueprint of the kidnapping, and murder of the extra feathery chicken, on the other side of The Wall. As you can tell I really want that event to happen.

8 months later

Now I have put an extra 8 months under my back, I am a nice and respectable young cat, at the age mark of a little over a year old. I was actually given the term cat, at least I had grown out of acting 100% kitten, now I am only 25% kitten, the only reason why I was still a bit kitten, is because I still loved trying to capture the despicable red dot. But it is now winter and little did I know tragedy would come.

It was my turn to go out on a hunting spree. I needed to put an end to the family of ground squirrels, I was finally getting onto the trail of one little stinker. He was most definitely trying his best to hide but, it wouldn't work for him. But, first let me tell you cats are very agile creatures, so I have no explanation of the upcoming events. As soon as I found the little guy, it turned into a high speed chase. We were whipping around corners,. and my legs were starting to feel like cooked spaghetti noodles. My head, whirling like a tornado, I had never gotten this feeling before, what was going on? I started to get the feeling something was going to go wrong, but what, I was as clueless as an orangutan on the 4th of July, whatever an orangutan is.

My heart felt like it was beating half a beat faster than normal. What was wrong with me? Well whatever I felt I was not worried about at the moment, should I have been, well I need to catch the little ground squirrel. As the squirrel took one more tight turn, I took that same turn too wide, I had just fallen over a short cliff. I was falling into this ravine, it had a bright green and lush prairie, with a stream, but before I had fallen I was in a bright white, and a snow coated area. But as I fell I could feel the gentle tug of the wind against my long coat of hair. But I was about to fall into a river, was this the end, what was going to happen? When my body touched the water, I could instantly feel the water, as it's freezing cold temperature covered my body, I instantly came to the top, I managed to paddle my way across onto the light and fluffy grass. It was too late, I was freezing, Why me? I just turned to the adult stage. As I felt my last dying breath come, from the miserable thing called hypothermia. The last thing I could hear as life left my body, was the "peck peck." of the extra feathery chicken, I never had the chance to kill. But then all of the sudden I could hear the sounds of a rushing emergency room. What was happening now?

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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