chapter 2

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The crisp breeze made the fur on my body dance as I walk threw the trees. I stop cold in my tracks when the sound of a twig snapping hits my ears. The air quickly changes from a nice breeze into a bone chilling wind as I turn my head to see three sets of glowing eyes looking straight back at me. The eyes move from out of the brush reveling three massive wolves. The wolf to the right has a dark chocolate colored fur, and to my right a sandy color wolf is looking back at me. In the middle of the two stands a midnight black wolf, who's size and position makes me know that he is the leader of the pack.

The alpha takes a step forward making me unconsciously take a step backwards, but the look in his eyes stops me from taking another step back as he continues to walk towards me. When he stops walking we are almost nose to nose, or chest to nose because of his enormous height. His closeness brings shivers down my body. I slowly tilt my nose up to his touch but before I can a voice pulls me out of my dream.

"Honey, it's time to wake up. You don't want to be late for your first day of school." my moms voice yelled to me from somewhere downstairs.

"I'm up, I'm up" I mumbled as I pull my sheets off and swing my feet to hit the cold hardwood floor. Stumbling into the shower, I turn on the hot water and let it wash over me waking me up and making my dreams slowly disappear.

Walking back into my room I open my cardboard "closet" and take out my outfit for today. After I get dressed I see that there is only 25 minutes before I need to walk out the door. Racing in the bathroom, I quickly curl my hair and put a little bit of makeup on. Taking a peak in the mirror I look pretty good for the time I gave myself. After making sure my black leggings, V cut tank top, denim jacket, and boots are placed just right I pick my books and bag up and leave my room. I grab my car keys, since it may rain today, and start to walk out the door.

"Bye mom, bye dad. I love you" closing the door and not waiting for a responds. Jumping in my red mustang, I head to my first day of school.

As I pull up in a parking spot I get a lot of curious looks from other kids standing outside the school. Walking through the main doors I get pickup lines for a lot of guys and glares from many of the girls. I see the office right away and a women who looks to be in her mid 40's greets me with a warm smile.

"Good morning, can I help you with something honey?"

"Hi, I'm new here and need to pick up my schedule" giving her just as big of a smile.

"Sure honey, I can get that for you. What's your name?"

"Ariel, Ariel Holt"

"Ok, here go" handing me a piece of paper

" Thank you, have a nice day" heading towards the door

" It's no trouble dear, come back if you need anything" was the last thing I heard before heading out into the hallway.

As I look down at my schedule I see my locker number and combination printed at the top. Checking my watch I still my 12 minutes till my first class starts. As I move through the people in the hall I find my locker and see its a top locker on the end. Yes! I quickly turn the knob of the lock putting my combo in then pull on the handle of the locker. Nothing, the door didn't budge. I try it a couple more times but still nothing.

" Try pushing up as you open it" a voice behind me recommend.

Putting the combo in once again and I pushed up on the handle as I opened it, then sure enough the locker popped right open.

"Thanks" turning around to see a petite girl with brown wavy hair and bright green eyes looking at me.

"No problem, the lockers here really suck. I'm Jessica by the way," holding a hand out to me.

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