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At home, I finish cooking dinner and prepare my things for tomorrow, as I lie in my bed I begin to wonder, will I ever overcome my fears?

The second day at school, more and more girls begin to stare and whisper...

"I heard he has no parents...
Yeah I heard his grades are fake..."

I know that's what they're whispering to each other, I just know it...

I get to my classroom and see Kenny and Lessie, I place my bag at my desk and begin to stare at Lessie. After a while I approached her quietly and decided to try interact with her a bit... Kenny approached me from behind and tapped my shoulder,

"Kai, you gonna hit on her? Seriously? Her?"


From behind Kenny, stood Lessie, looking ready to kill us... I turned around and started to walk away, only to be grabbed by the wrist by Lessie, I turned around and saw Kenny with a red handprint on his face on the floor,

"You can talk to me if you want Kai"

Again... That smile that showed no fear or harm... More and more I became intrigued by her. If I can feel fine with this girl, why not all?

"Um Lessie, what... are you?"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Do I look abnormal to you in any way?

"Well to be honest I-"

Then it hit me... I realized that I wasn't that afraid of her at all, I think... I spoke to her as I would have done to a guy...

"You what Kai? Are you ok?"

"I think you're different from other girls... In a way"

"How different? Different good or bad?"

"Good, definitely good!"

"Thanks Kai! You're pretty swell too"

Swell? What person in this day and age says swell? Either way she smiled and laughed until Kenny on the floor finally came to,

"Christ! That hurt!"

Kenny yelled suddenly, I helped him up and he began rubbing his cheek,

"Serves you right you know, I'm a delicate flower in the desert!"

"Whatever Lessie... Kai I'm heading to the roof later for lunch, want to join? You can come too Lessie..."

I began weighing my options, which I don't usually do but I decided to join him. The bell sounded the first period and Ms. Blake walked in...

"Morning class, I received a note saying Ms. Hampton won't be attending today, so with that out of the way, let's check the attendance"

She checked us one by one, and all I could do was stare at Leanne's seat, I wondered... Is she really the top student of this school for 6 years straight? Impossible...

"Mr. Faulkner!"

"Yes ma'am?"

"See me in my office after school, ok?"

"Of course ma'am..."

Man, day two and already called in... What's going on here?

After a while, the bell finally rang for lunch, we headed for the roof but there was something truly to behold... A young woman along with three other girls sitting on a picnic blanket on the middle of the roof square. I knew it, they are here to make fun of me and hurt me... What in the world is this? The 16th century?

"Ahh hello there plebians, I'm Claudia Hawthorne, you may enter..."

What she said looks like it pissed of Lessie a whole lot, but Kenny well, he couldn't stop staring at something, or someone... Lessie stomped forward and began shouting

"Hey! Who are you and how dare you call us plebians!?Who do you think you are? Some high and mighty princess? You tell them Kenny!"

"Uhh... What?"

"Nevermind... you tell them Kai!"

I couldn't move talk or speak, it was an utter shock to me, Lessie suddenly askd me to defend the group against a girl? Me? Out of all people? Seriously? The four girls sitting on the picnic blanket begin to stare at me, once again, I couldn't move or even breathe, it was that same situation again

"The two of you can leave but Mr. Kai may stay"

"What!? No way! Grrr... Kai what do you want to do?"

"I want to... eat in the classroom..."

"Oh no you don't Mr. Kai, you want to eat with me, RIGHT?"

Her voice tone changed instantly as if she was mad, so we began to turn around and walk back downstairs which made Claudia even more angry,

"Mr. Kai, you will be mine, you'll see, they all do..."

  We proceeded our way down the stairs until we reached the classroom hallways, Kenny began to worry as we walk, we looked at Kenny as if he was a maniac and we all began laughing at him as we proceeded back to the classroom, Lessie got curious and asked,

"Seriously Kenny what's wrong? You don't look well"

"Just thinking what's going to happen after we made Claudia angry"

"Who exactly is Claudia? Is she someone important?

"Well she's technically the school's princess, rich, popular, smart and beautiful"

Realizing what I just did, I began to get scared, what if she calls every girl to hit me and make fun of me... Things took a turn for the worst, I needed to now how I can fix things.

"Ken, how do we get her to forgive us? There has to be a way to make amends?"

"I dunno Kai, what do you give the girl who has everything?"

The question stumped me... What do you give a girl who has everything? We finally reached the classroom and had our lunch. I kept pondering on what I could possibly do...

"Howdy everyone! Here some registration paper for any school club you want to join, you may join only two"

Ms. Blake bursted in holding a stack of paper and slammed it in her desk. The whole class a ruckus and Kenny seemed so excited


"I dunno..."

This is what I hated the most in school actually, the clubs and groupings. I knew EVERY SPORT, literally... If someone here knew then I'm so fu-

"Hey Kai, I hear you're pretty good at sports!

One student shouts from afar,

"My cousin knows you back from her school, she said you were good at all the sports!"

I jinxed myself...  Damn it! Lessie came up to me and Ken and asked which clubs we were going to join, Ken answered the basketball team and I said none so far...

"You have to join something, I'm joining the arts club!"

"I did everything in my past school days before I transferred..."

Ugh I felt too sluggish to join the clubs here but I need to do something to entertain myself... It was then SHE walked in,

"Oh Ms. Claudia, w-what brings you here?"

"Hello Ms. Blake, as of today, this is my classroom, I am transferring here"

The class rose up and cheered extremely loud, I on the other hand, quietly knew things were probably going to get worse, after all she is the school's princess...

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